' Word Macro to convert SDA 'tagged' codebook to Word-formatted document
' @(#)sdacdbk.txt 1.1.5 09/26/02 (http://sda.berkeley.edu)
Option Explicit 'Force explicit declaration of all variables
' ======================= SDACDBK =======================
Sub sdacdbk()
Dim response As Integer
Dim msg As String
msg = "This macro will produce a Word-formatted document based on a " & vbCrLf & _
"'tagged' format text file created by the SDA XCODEBK program." & vbCrLf & _
"If you choose 'OK' to continue you will next be asked to choose " & vbCrLf & _
"a file name and location for saving this new Word document." & vbCrLf & _
"Just select a file name and location as you normally would, then" & vbCrLf & _
"click on 'Save'. (Note that you MUST choose 'Word Document (*.doc)' as the type." & vbCrLf & _
"Also, you CANNOT choose the name of an already-open document.)" & vbCrLf & _
"Various formatting will then be applied to the Word Document (including" & vbCrLf & _
"the creation of a table of contents). A message box will pop up to inform " & vbCrLf & _
"you when the formatting is complete." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"If you DON'T want to continue, just choose 'Cancel' now."
response = MsgBox(msg, vbQuestion + vbOKCancel)
If response = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim originalFileName As String
originalFileName = ActiveDocument.Name
Dim originalPath As String
originalPath = ActiveDocument.Path
Dim newSaveDocName As String
newSaveDocName = ActiveDocument.Name
Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStr(newSaveDocName, ".")
If pos > 0 Then
newSaveDocName = Left(newSaveDocName, pos - 1)
newSaveDocName = newSaveDocName & ".doc"
End If
Dim dial As Dialog
Set dial = Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
Dim saveOK As Boolean
Do Until saveOK = True
dial.Name = originalPath & Application.PathSeparator & newSaveDocName
dial.Format = wdFormatDocument
If dial.Display <> -1 Then
MsgBox "Macro will now exit (without creating Word document) ..."
Exit Sub
End If
If dial.Format <> wdFormatDocument Then
MsgBox "The file type MUST be 'Word document'. Please try again"
saveOK = True
End If
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
.LeftMargin = InchesToPoints(1.25)
.RightMargin = InchesToPoints(1.25)
.TopMargin = InchesToPoints(1#)
.BottomMargin = InchesToPoints(1#)
End With
Dim studyTitle As String
studyTitle = GetInfoTagString("", "")
Dim fmtString As String
fmtString = GetInfoTagString("", "")
Dim is1side As Boolean
If fmtString = "1side" Then
is1side = True
End If
Dim dateString As String
dateString = GetInfoTagString("", "")
Dim defaultTitlePage As String
defaultTitlePage = GetInfoTagString("", "")
Dim isDefaultTitlePage As Boolean
If defaultTitlePage = "true" Then
isDefaultTitlePage = True
isDefaultTitlePage = False
End If
Call GetInfoTagString("", "") ' Just to clean up tags
' --------- Define Var Style ------------------
Dim varStyle As Style
Set varStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="SdaVar", _
With varStyle.Font
' .Bold = True
.Name = "Courier New"
.Size = 10
End With
With varStyle.ParagraphFormat
.KeepWithNext = True
End With
' --------- Define Varname Style -------------
Dim vnameStyle As Style
Set vnameStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="SdaVarname", _
vnameStyle.BaseStyle = wdStyleHeading3
With vnameStyle.ParagraphFormat.Borders
.Enable = True
.Shadow = True
.DistanceFromTop = 1
.DistanceFromLeft = 4
.DistanceFromBottom = 1
.DistanceFromRight = 4
End With
With vnameStyle.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 13
.Bold = False
End With
' --------- Define Header1 Style --------------
Dim hdr1Style As Style
Set hdr1Style = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="SdaHeader1", _
hdr1Style.BaseStyle = wdStyleHeading1
With hdr1Style.ParagraphFormat.Borders
.Enable = True
.Shadow = True
.DistanceFromTop = 1
.DistanceFromLeft = 4
.DistanceFromBottom = 1
.DistanceFromRight = 4
End With
With hdr1Style.ParagraphFormat.Shading
.Texture = wdTexture10Percent
End With
With hdr1Style.ParagraphFormat
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End With
With hdr1Style.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 16
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
End With
' --------- Define Header2 Style ------------------
Dim hdr2Style As Style
Set hdr2Style = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="SdaHeader2", _
hdr2Style.BaseStyle = wdStyleHeading2
With hdr2Style.ParagraphFormat.Borders
.Enable = True
.Shadow = True
.DistanceFromTop = 1
.DistanceFromLeft = 4
.DistanceFromBottom = 1
.DistanceFromRight = 4
End With
With hdr2Style.ParagraphFormat.Shading
.Texture = wdTexture10Percent
End With
With hdr2Style.ParagraphFormat
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End With
With hdr2Style.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 14
.Bold = False
.Italic = False
End With
' --------- Define TitlePage Style -----------------
Dim titlepageStyle As Style
Set titlepageStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="SdaTitlePage", _
With titlepageStyle.Font
If isDefaultTitlePage Then
.Bold = True
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 16
.Bold = True
.Name = "Courier New"
.Size = 12
End If
End With
With titlepageStyle.ParagraphFormat
.KeepWithNext = True
If isDefaultTitlePage Then
.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End If
End With
' --------- Define Intro Style ----------------
Dim introStyle As Style
Set introStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles.Add(Name:="SdaIntro", _
With introStyle.Font
' .Bold = True
.Name = "Courier New"
.Size = 10
End With
Call CreateSectionWithEmptyTag(ActiveDocument.Range, "", is1side)
Call CreateSectionWithEmptyTag(ActiveDocument.Range, "", is1side)
Call CreateSectionWithEmptyTag(ActiveDocument.Range, "", is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
titlepageStyle, False, False, is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
introStyle, True, False, is1side)
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
hdr1Style, False, False, is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
introStyle, True, False, is1side)
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
hdr1Style, False, False, is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
varStyle, False, False, is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
vnameStyle, False, True, is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
hdr1Style, True, False, is1side)
' ---------------------------------------------
Call ApplyStyle(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", _
hdr2Style, False, False, is1side)
' Create a table of contents
Dim rngToc As Range
Set rngToc = ActiveDocument.Range.Duplicate
Dim tocTagsFound As Boolean
tocTagsFound = FindTagsRange(ActiveDocument.Range, "", "", rngToc)
If tocTagsFound Then
ActiveDocument.TablesOfContents.Add Range:=rngToc, _
UseFields:=False, UseHeadingStyles:=True, LowerHeadingLevel:=3, _
ActiveDocument.TablesOfContents.Format = wdTOCDistinctive
Call AddSection(rngToc, is1side)
ActiveDocument.TablesOfContents(1).TabLeader = wdTabLeaderLines
End If
' Create page headers and footers
Call MakeHeadersFooters(studyTitle, is1side, dateString)
MsgBox "Formatting is now complete."
End Sub
'============== CREATESECTIONWITHEMPTYTAG ========================
Private Sub CreateSectionWithEmptyTag(ByVal rngToSrch As Range, _
emptyTag As String, is1side As Boolean)
Dim rngEmptyTag As Range
' Set search ranges
Set rngEmptyTag = rngToSrch.Duplicate
With rngEmptyTag.Find
.Text = emptyTag
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
' Exit function if start tag is not found
If Not rngEmptyTag.Find.Found Then
Exit Sub
End If
rngEmptyTag.Collapse wdCollapseStart
Call AddSection(rngEmptyTag, is1side)
End Sub
' ====================== ADDSECTION ===========================
Private Sub AddSection(rngTarget As Range, is1side As Boolean)
If is1side Then
ActiveDocument.Sections.Add _
Range:=rngTarget, Start:=wdSectionNewPage
ActiveDocument.Sections.Add _
Range:=rngTarget, Start:=wdSectionOddPage
End If
End Sub
' ====================== APPLYSTYLE ===========================
Private Sub ApplyStyle(ByVal rngToSrch As Range, startTag As String, _
endTag As String, passedStyle As Style, _
addPageBreak As Boolean, boldFirstWord As Boolean, is1side As Boolean)
Dim rngFound As Range
Set rngFound = rngToSrch.Duplicate
Dim tagsFound As Boolean
tagsFound = True
' For efficiency, create font OUTSIDE of loop
Dim newFont As Font
Set newFont = passedStyle.Font.Duplicate
newFont.Bold = True
tagsFound = FindTagsRange(rngToSrch, startTag, endTag, rngFound)
' Exit loop if not found
If Not tagsFound Then Exit Do
' Apply style to found range
rngFound.Style = passedStyle
' Bold first word in range (if requested)
If boldFirstWord Then
Call SetFirstWordFont(rngFound, newFont)
End If
' Create a new hard page break BEFORE the range (if requested)
If addPageBreak Then
' Check if this comes immediately after the start of
' a section. If so, DON'T add an (extra) page break.
Dim rngCurrentSect As Range
Set rngCurrentSect = rngFound.Sections(1).Range
rngCurrentSect.End = rngFound.Start
Dim parsFromSectStart As Long
parsFromSectStart = rngCurrentSect.Paragraphs.Count
If parsFromSectStart > 2 Then
Dim rngTmp As Range
Set rngTmp = ActiveDocument.Range.Duplicate
rngTmp.Start = rngFound.Start - 1
rngTmp.Collapse wdCollapseStart
rngTmp.InsertAfter (vbCr)
rngTmp.InsertBreak (wdPageBreak)
End If
End If
' Prepare for next search by moving the start position of
' rngToSrch to one char beyond end of rngFound ...
rngToSrch.Start = rngFound.End + 1
Loop Until Not tagsFound
End Sub
' ==================== SETFIRSTWORDFONT =======================
Private Sub SetFirstWordFont(ByVal pRange As Range, newFont As Font)
Dim originalCharCount As Long
originalCharCount = pRange.Characters.Count
pRange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
' Note: the Expand method doesn't work because an underline
' is treated as an "end-of-word" marker by VB -- but variable
' names can contain underlines. So we have to use the somewhat
' more complex MoveEndUntil method
' pRange.Expand Unit:=wdWord
pRange.MoveEndUntil ": ", wdForward
' We never want to move the end of the range past the original
' ending point. So check that now and restore the original end
' if necessary.
If pRange.Characters.Count > originalCharCount Then
pRange.End = pRange.Start + originalCharCount
End If
pRange.Font = newFont
End Sub
' =================== GETINFOTAGSTRING ==========================
Private Function GetInfoTagString(startTag As String, _
endTag As String) As String
GetInfoTagString = ""
Dim rngInfoTag As Range
Set rngInfoTag = ActiveDocument.Range.Duplicate
If FindTagsRange(ActiveDocument.Range, startTag, endTag, _
rngInfoTag) Then
GetInfoTagString = rngInfoTag.Text
End If
End Function
' ====================== FINDTAGSRANGE =====================
Private Function FindTagsRange(rngToSrch As Range, startTag As String, _
endTag As String, rngFound As Range) As Boolean
Dim rngStartTag As Range
Dim rngEndTag As Range
' Set search ranges
Set rngStartTag = rngToSrch.Duplicate
Set rngEndTag = rngToSrch.Duplicate
With rngStartTag.Find
.Text = startTag
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
' Exit function if start tag is not found
If Not rngStartTag.Find.Found Then
FindTagsRange = False
Exit Function
rngStartTag.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End If
' Set range for finding end tag
rngEndTag.Start = rngStartTag.Start
With rngEndTag.Find
.Text = endTag
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
' Exit loop if not found
If Not rngEndTag.Find.Found Then
FindTagsRange = False
Exit Function
rngEndTag.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End If
' Set found range
rngFound.Start = rngStartTag.Start
rngFound.End = rngEndTag.Start
FindTagsRange = True
End Function
' =================== MAKEHEADERSFOOTERS =======================
Private Sub MakeHeadersFooters(studyTitle As String, is1side As Boolean, _
dateString As String)
Dim fmtOddEven As Boolean
If is1side Then
fmtOddEven = False
fmtOddEven = True
End If
Dim rngSect As Range
' Sections are: 1 = Title page, 2 = Table of contents,
' 3 to last = intros, variables, and appendices
' SECTION 2 (Table of Contents):
If fmtOddEven Then
ActiveDocument.Sections(2).PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = True
' Odd (primary) page header
Call MakeHeader(ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary), _
True, True, studyTitle)
' Even page header
Call MakeHeader(ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Headers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages), _
False, True, studyTitle)
With ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary)
.LinkToPrevious = False
.Range.Text = vbTab & dateString ' Center date by first inserting a tab
End With
With ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Footers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages)
.LinkToPrevious = False
.Range.Text = vbTab & dateString ' Center date by first inserting a tab
End With
Else ' NOT fmtOddEven
' Set header
Call MakeHeader(ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary), _
True, True, studyTitle)
' Set footer
With ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary)
.LinkToPrevious = False
.Range.Text = vbTab & dateString ' Center date by first inserting a tab
End With
End If
' SECTION 3 (and remaining codebook sections):
If fmtOddEven Then
ActiveDocument.Sections(3).PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = True
' Odd (primary) page header
Call MakeHeader(ActiveDocument.Sections(3).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary), _
True, False, studyTitle)
' Even page header
Call MakeHeader(ActiveDocument.Sections(3).Headers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages), _
False, False, studyTitle)
Call MakeHeader(ActiveDocument.Sections(3).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary), _
True, False, studyTitle)
End If
' Remove text from section 1 (title page) headers and footers
End Sub
' ====================== MAKEHEADER ============================
Private Sub MakeHeader(thisheader As HeaderFooter, oddPage As Boolean, _
romanStyle As Boolean, studyTitle As String)
With thisheader
.PageNumbers.RestartNumberingAtSection = True
.PageNumbers.StartingNumber = 1
.Range.Bold = True
.LinkToPrevious = False
End With
If romanStyle Then
thisheader.PageNumbers.NumberStyle = wdPageNumberStyleLowercaseRoman
thisheader.PageNumbers.NumberStyle = wdPageNumberStyleArabic
End If
Dim rngSect As Range
Set rngSect = thisheader.Range
If oddPage Then
rngSect.Text = studyTitle & vbTab & vbTab
rngSect.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
rngSect.Fields.Add rngSect, wdFieldPage
Else ' even page
rngSect.Fields.Add rngSect, wdFieldPage
rngSect.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
rngSect.InsertAfter vbTab & vbTab & studyTitle
End If
End Sub