GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

Child Time/Monitor
timekid1 time r spends with child 1
timekid2 time r spends with child 2
timekid3 time r spends with child 3
timekid4 time r spends with child 4
sptmkid1 time spouse spends with child 1
sptmkid2 time spouse spends with child 2
sptmkid3 time spouse spends with child 3
sptmkid4 time spouse spends with child 4
kdtmkid1 time child 1 spends with r
kdtmkid2 time child 2 spends with r
kdtmkid3 time child 3 spends with r
kdtmkid4 time child 4 spends with r
knowkid1 r knows what child is doing on weekend
knowkid2 r knows what child is doing on weekend
knowkid3 r knows what child is doing on weekend
knowkid4 r knows what child is doing on weekend
House Clean
huclean r hu interior cleanliness rating
homeband how home is connected to www
freemns1 what does freedom mean to you
freemns2 what does freedom mean to you
freemns3 what does freedom mean to you
freeexp1 what experiences in life make you feel most free
freeexp2 what experiences in life make you feel most free
freeexp3 what experiences in life make you feel most free
howfree how much freedom do americans have
rhowfree how much freedom does r have
freenow americans have more freedom than in past
rfreenow r have more freedom than in past
satdemoc r satisfied with way democracy works in america
leftlone being left alone important for freedom
nogovt no govt interference important for freedom
inpeace feeling of inner peace important for freedom
partpol political participation important for freedom
choice choice what to do in life important for freedom
expunpop expression of unpopular ideas important for freedom
freeprss press should be completely free
wlthpov some rich some poor ok in free society
cntrlife control r feels over own life
modact r limited in moderate activities
stairs r limited in climbing stair's
didlessp health prevent doing desired activities past 4
limitedp health limit type of work past 4 wks
didlesse emotion prevent desired activities past 4 wks
crelesse emotion work less carefully past 4 wks
pain pain interfere with work past 4 wks
peaceful felt peaceful in past 4 wks
energy have a lot of energy in past 4 wks
downblue felt down and blue in past 4 wks
socacts physical and emotion social activities past 4
treat1 r seek treat moderate activities
treat2 r seek treat climbing stair's
treat3 r seek treat doing less than desired physic
treat4 r seek treat limited types of work
treat5 r seek treat doing less than desired emotio
treat6 r seek treat working less carefully
treat7 r seek treat pain interfere with work
treat8 r seek treat not calm and peaceful
treat9 r seek treat lack of energy
treat10 r seek treat downhearted and blue
treat11 r seek treat health interfere with social l
wait1 how long r wait treatment moderate activity
wait2 how long r wait treatment climbing stairs
wait3 how long r wait treatment doing less work p
wait4 how long r wait treatment limited types of
wait5 how long r wait treatment doing less work e
wait6 how long r wait treatment working less care
wait7 how long r wait treatment pain interfere wi
wait8 how long r wait treatment not calm and peace
wait9 how long r wait treatment lack of energy
wait10 how long r wait treatment downhearted and b
wait11 how long r wait treatment health interfere
downqol treatment for downheartedness improve quality of life
downfam treatment for downheartedness improve family
downcure treatment for downheartedness cure condition
downrely treatment for downheartedness rely less on
downfeel treatment for downheartedness improve feelings
painqol treatment for pain improve quality of life
painfam treatment for pain improve family relations
paincure treatment for pain cure condition
painrely treatment for pain rely less on others
painfeel treatment for pain improve feeling about se
emotqol treatment for emotion improve quality of li
emotfam treatment for emotion improve family relations
emotcure treatment for emotion cure condition
emotrely treatment for emotion rely less on others
emotfeel treatment for emotion improve feeling about
ethimp importance of ethnic group to r
ethignor us harmony by ignore ethnic differences
ethnofit eth minorities never fit in am mainstream
ethtrads society recognize right of ethnic traditions
ethadapt minorities must adapt to american culture
feelblks how r feels towards african americans
feelasns how r feels towards asian americans
feelhsps how r feels towards hispanics
feelwhts how r feel towards caucasians
ethsame individual of same ethnic group similar
ethdiff ethnic groups in us different
whtsdiff whites different from minorities
docvig vignette about the doctor
regdoc r has regular doctor or clinic
regdocyr r has had doctor for more than one year
docaskme r prefers doc ask opinion
docdecid r leaves decisions up to doctor
docrely r relies on doctors knowledge
hlthplan r had medicare or medicaid
chosedoc r had enough choices among docs
insrlmts r's insurance plan has limits
diffcare r had difficulty getting specialty care
fininc r heard docs limit used of exp tests
fininc1 importance to r to be told about incentives
fininc2 best time to be told about incentives
fininc3 best person to tell about incentives
fininc4 r likely to ask doc about incentives
belvedoc r believe what doctor said
docinfo doctor provided enough info
docnomri r agree with doc decision to not order mri
docsat how satisfied r with office visit
doccosts how r trust doc put health above costs
docswtch would r switch physicians
insrchng would r change insurance plans
secopin would r seek second opinion
wrktype work arrangement at main job
yearsjob time at current job
waypaid how paid in main job
wrksched usual work schedule
moredays days per month r work extra hours
mustwork mandatory to work extra hours
chngtme how often r allowed change schedule
wrkhome how often r works at home
whywkhme usual reason r work at home
famwkoff how hard to take time off
wkvsfam how often job interferes fam life
famvswk how often fam life interfere job
hrsrelax hours per day r have to relax
secondwk r has job other than main
learnnew job requires r to learn new things
workfast job requires r to work fast
workdiff r does numerous things on job
lotofsay r has lot of say in job
wktopsat satisfaction comes from work
overwork r has too much work to do well
knowwhat r knows what's expected on job
myskills job allows r use of skills
respect r treated with respect at work
trustman r trust management at work
safetywk worker safety priority at work
safefrst no shortcuts on worker safety
teamsafe mgt and employees work together re safety
safehlth safety and health condition good at work
proudemp r proud to work for employer
prodctiv work conditions allow productivity
wksmooth workplace runs in smooth manner
trdunion workers need strong unions
partteam r work as part of a team
wkdecide how often r take part in decisions
setthngs how often r set way things done
toofewwk how often not enough staff
promteok r's chances for promotion good
opdevel opportunity to develop my abilities
hlpequip enough help and equip to ge the job done
haveinfo enough info to get the job done
wkfreedm a lot of freedom to decide how to do job
fringeok fringe benefits are good
supcares supervisor concerned about welfare
condemnd r free from conflicting demands
promtefr promotions are handled fairly
cowrkint coworkers take a personal interest in r
jobsecok the job security is good
suphelp supervisor helpful to r in getting job done
wrktime r has enough time to get the job done
cowrkhlp coworkers can be relied on when r needs help
trainops r have the training opportunities
manvsemp relations bw management and employees
hvylift r do repeated lifting
handmove r perform forceful hand movements
wkpraise r is likely to be praised by supervisor
wkbonus r is likely to get a bonus or pay increase
fairearn how fair is what r earn on the job
rincblls income alone is enough
laidoff r was laid off main job last year
jobfind1 how easy for r to find a same job
trynewjb how likely r make effort for new job next year
wkageism r feels discriminated because of age
wkracism r feels discriminated because of race
wksexism r feels discriminated because of gender
wkharsex r sexually harassed on the job last 12 months
wkharoth r threatened on the job last 12 months
health1 r's health in general
physhlth days of poor physical health past 30 days
mntlhlth days of poor mental health past 30 days
hlthdays days of activity limitation past 30 days
usedup how often during past month r felt used up
backpain r had back pain in the past 12 months
painarms r had pain in the arms in the past 12 months
hurtatwk number of injuries on the job past 12 months
satjob1 job satisfaction in general
phyeffrt rate physical effort
slpprblm trouble sleeping last 12 months
spvtrfair supervisor is fair
strredpg access to stress management
knowschd how far in advance know work schedule
usetech percentage of time use tech
stress12 stress management program last 12 months
hyperten told have hypertension or high blood pressure
arthrtis told have arthritis or rheumatism
diabetes told have diabetes
depress told have depression
weight r weighs how much
height r is how tall
ntwkhard past week not work hard enough
misswork miss work for health past 30 days
workfor r work for whom
ownstock r has stock in r's company
stockval total dollar value of r's stock
stockops r hold any stock options of r's company
extrapay eligible for performance based pay
compperf size of perf based pay depend on profits
deptperf size of perf based pay depend on workgroup
indperf size of perf based pay depend on individual
extr2001 did r receive perf based payment in 2001
extraval total dollar value of pay in previous year
extrayr year of the most recent perf based payments
yearval total dollar value of payments in that year
seecowrk how easy to see whether co-workers working
cowrkhrd how hard to say how people work at workplace
talkemp how likely to talk directly if coworker not work
talksup how likely to speak supervisor if coworker not w
donothng how likely to do nothing if coworker not working
lastwkmo what month were you last working
lastwkyr what year were you last working
workfor1 r work for whom
empathy1 r have tender feeling for people less fortunate
empathy2 r does not feel very sorry for people having pro
empathy3 r feels protective towards people taken advantage
empathy4 others misfortunes do not disturb r
empathy5 r does not feel pity for someone treated unfair
empathy6 r often quite touched by things
empathy7 r describes oneself as a soft-hearted person
givblood r donated blood during the past 12 months
givhmlss r has given food or money to a homeless person
retchnge r returned money after getting too much change
cutahead r allowed a stranger to go ahead of you in line
volchrty r done volunteer work for a charity
givchrty r has given money to a charity
givseat r offered seat to a stranger during past 12 months
helpaway r looked after plant or pet of others while away
carried r carried a stranger's belongings
directns r has given directions to a stranger
loanitem r has let someone borrow a item of some value
selfless r feels like a selfless caring for others
accptoth r accept others even when they do things wrong
othshelp people should help less fortunate others
careself those in need have to take care of themselves
peoptrbl assisting people in trouble is very important
selffrst people need not overly worry about others
volmonth volunteer in last month
valgiven total donations past year r and immediate family
finind young should be financially independent
finind1 aged should be financially independent
ownhh young should not live with parents
ownhh1 aged should stop living with parents
eddone young should complete formal schooling
eddone1 aged should complete formal schooling
ftwork young should be employed full-time
ftwork1 aged should be employed full-time
supfam young should be able to support family
supfam1 aged should be able to support family
havchld young should have child
havchld1 aged should have child
getmar young should get married
getmar1 aged should get married
boycott have ever boycotted a product past 5 years
signpet have ever signed a petition past 5 years
protest have ever joined a protest rally past 5 years
conoffcl have ever contacted an elected official
givchng have given money to group advocating social change
hlpneedy have ever contributed time to help the needy
partthon have participated in a walkathon over past 5 years
chldvig vignette asked
chldprb what r think may be wrong with a named youth
chldprob how serious r consider his or her problem
chldhlp what should be done to help a named youth
badchar situation caused by own bad character
chembal situation by a chemical imbalance in the brain
stressfl situation caused by stressful circumstances
geneprob situation caused by a genetic or inherited problem
raised situation caused by the way he or she was raised
violtv situation caused by watching violent tv
discipln situation caused by lacking discipline in the
allergic situation caused by food or chemical allergies
bettrown situation will improve on its own
imprvdis situation will improve with strict discipline
imprveat situation will improve with some changes in diet
imprvmed situation will improve with medical treatment
nextdoor how willing r move next door to child's family
spendeve how willing r spend evening with child's family
chldfrnd how willing r have children make friends with ch
chldsch how willing r have child in same class of r's ch
adfam would r get advice from family if child was r's
adfammed would r have child be on medication by fam advice
adtch would r get advice from teachers child if was r's
adtchmed would have child be on med by teachers advice
addoc would go to a medical doctor if he was r's child
addocmed would have child be on med by docs advice
adcou would r go to counselor if child was r's
adcoumed would r have child on med by counselor's advice
adpsy would r go to a psychiatrist if child was r's
adpsymed would r have child on med by psychiatrists ad
adhos would r check child into a hospital if was r's
adhosmed would r have child be on med by hospital staff
forcedoc should child be forced by law to be treated by doc
forcemed should child be forced by law to take a prescription
forcehos should child be forced by law to admit to a hosp
grwingup is child experiencing normal ups and downs
mntlill is child experiencing a mental illness
illphys is child experiencing a physical illness
violpeop would child do something violent toward other
violself would child do something violent to own self
outsider getting mental health treatment make child an
sufadult would child suffer as adult if other learn
comknows people in community still know who had mental
failure mental treatment for child make parent feel like
ovrmedkd docs are over medicating child with common problem
medkdneg medicating child will have long term negative
putsoff psychiatric med only put off dealing with problem
trbllaw child with med get into less trouble with the
medsavtx govt programs for mental health treatment will
zombies med for behavior problems turn kids into zombies
pryntfam med just prevent family from working out problem
adhdknow what does r know about adhd
adhdknw what does r know about adhd (verbatim)
adhdreal is adhd a real disease
adhdcon children should be given counseling for adhd
adhdmed children should be given medication to treat adhd
mntlrel effect of mental health problem on relation with
medsymps med for mental health problem help people
medaddct med for mental health problem are addictive
medweak taking medications is a sign of weakness
medunacc med for mental health problem often have side of
solveown r would solve problem on ones own or get advice
doc15a doctor not really care me as a person
doc16a doctors judgment trusted
doc18a doctor put medical needs above all other
doc19a doctor a real expert in taking care problem
doc20a doctor tell me if a mistake was made
difstand some ppl hold standard in workplace that others don?
rptprobs ppl feel free to report problems in workplace
othcredt other people take credit for r's work or ideas
putdown ppl at work treat r in a manner putting r down
lackinfo ppl at work fail to give r necessary info
perspace ppl at work get in r's personal space to intimidate
physharm r have been threatened with physical harm at work
actupset ppl at work throw things when upset with r
shout ppl at work shout at r in hostile manner
hotargus heated arguments occur in workplace
reliedon ppl at work can be relied on when needs help
gdjobsec job security is good
treatres people are treated with respect
lookaway ppl look the other way when others are threatened
skipwork how often r stayed at home or leave work early
numemps number of employee for the self-employed
ignorwk feel ignored at work
rumorwk rumors or gossip about r at work
jokeswk target of derogatory comments or jokes at work
eharaswk harassed electronically at work
rudewk treated rudely at work
liedcwkr lied to at work
denyrais denied raise without reason at work
wkbhvrs employee doing these things at work to r
wkrspns response to misbehavior from coworkers
natborn what country r were born in
bornhome what kind of house r's family lived at birth
travelus transportation r took when travelling to us
immstats r's current immigration status right now
rundrstd did r appear to understand 3-box answer format
robject did r object to or delay answering card c4
genevig1 vignette number used
genevig2 vignette order used
genenvo1 gene or learning?
genenvo2 gene or learning?
genenvo3 gene or learning?
genenvo4 gene or learning?
satself on the whole i am satisfied with myself
afailure i am inclined to feel i am a failure
slfrspct i wish i could have more respect for myself
ofworth i am a person of worth at least equal to others
nogood at times i think i am no good at all
optimist i am always optimistic about my future
pessimst i hardly ever expect things to go my way
notcount i rarely count on good things happening to me
moregood i expect more good things to happen to me than bad
owndoing degree of influence over what happens to me
geneexps genes or experiences in determining personality
depndabl r is a dependable person
sadblue r is a person who feels sad and blue
athletic r is an athletic person
kindpers r is a kind person
selfish r is a selfish person
intrwght interview assessment of r's weight
agape1 would suffer than let the one r love suffer
agape2 not happy unless the one s happiness is before r
agape3 willing to sacrifice wish to let the one achieve
agape4 would endure all things for the one r love
hgunlaw should be more restrictions on handgun
hguncrim more restrictions on handgun decrease crime
crimup what if more restrictions increase crime
crimdown what if more restrictions reduce crime