GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

harsexjb r has been the object of sexual advances/propositions from supervisor's
harsexcl since 18 r has ever found self the object of sexual advances from religious lead
ownclerg did this happen with a leader in congregation r was attending
numclerg with how many different leaders has this happened to you
openrel1 r and leader ever become an openly acknowledged couple
openrel2 r and leader ever become an openly acknowledged couple
openrel3 r and leader ever become an openly acknowledged couple
counsel1 leader1 was r's counselor
counsel2 leader2 was r's counselor
counsel3 leader3 was r's counselor
clrgmar1 leader1 was married at the time
clrgmar2 leader2 was married at the time
clrgmar3 leader3 was married at the time
clrgsex1 r had sexual contact with leader1
clrgsex2 r had sexual contact with leader2
clrgsex3 r had sexual contact with leader3
clrggen1 sex of leader1
clrggen2 sex of leader2
clrggen3 sex of leader3
ongorel1 r had an ongoing relationship with leader1
ongorel2 r had an ongoing relationship with leader2
ongorel3 r had an ongoing relationship with leader3
hushrel1 leader1 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationship
hushrel2 leader2 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationship
hushrel3 leader3 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationship
toldexp1 r has ever told anyone about experience with leader1
toldexp2 r has ever told anyone about experience with leader2
toldexp3 r has ever told anyone about experience with leader3
toldrel1 r ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader1
toldrel2 r ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader2
toldrel3 r ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader3
knwclsex r knows other people who were obj of sexual advances
clsclsex any of them were close friends or family members
clrgmode was saq self administered or interview administered
wkcontct how often contacted about work when not working
talkspvs comfortable talking with supervisor about personal
effctsup supervisor effective solve work/personal conflicts
aidslook a health-look person may have aids
aidscndm condom can reduce aids
hivvac there is a vaccine that can prevent hiv
hivkiss kiss can spread hiv
Newspaper Allowed to Publish Government Secrets
pubdef should media publish defense plans
pubecon should media publish economic plans?
obeylaw should people obey laws without exceptn?
protest1 allow public meetings protesting govt
protest2 allow publications protesting govt
protest3 allow demonstrations protesting govt
protest4 allow occupation of govt office
protest5 allow damage of govt buildings
protest6 allow national anti-govt strike
Freedom of Speech
revspeak allow revolutionary public meetings
revtch15 allow revolutionaries to teach children
revpub allow revolutionaries to publish books
racspeak allow racists to hold public meetings
ractch15 allow racists to teach 15 yr. olds
racpub allow racists to publish books
Police Powers
crimtail should police tail a known criminal?
crimtap should police tap phone of a criminal?
crimread should police open mail of a criminal?
crimhold should police detain a known criminal?
mantail should police tail a suspect?
mantap should police tap phone of a suspect?
manread should police open mail of a suspect?
manhold should police detain a suspect?
verdict worse type of judicial mistake
databank computer data threat to individual privacy
Economic Inequality
progtax how much income tax should rich pay?
eqincome govt should redistribute wealth
oprich child of rich has better opportunity
opprof child of profssnl has better opportunity
opfamily family bkgd determines success in u.s.
fecolop college opportunities for women
fejobop job opportunities for women
feinc income for women vs. men with same bkgd
fehlpbus govt should aid women seeking jobs
fehlpcol govt should aid women seeking higher ed
fehlpjob women should be given preference in jobs
Importance of Educational Subjects
hsbasics school subjects: reading, writing, math
hssexed school subjects: sex education
hsrespct school subjects: respect for authority
hslibart school subjects: history, liter., arts
hsjudge school subjects: good judgment
hsjobtr school subjects: job training
hssci school subjects: science and technology
hscaring school subjects: concern for others
hsorder school subjects: discipline and order
Government Education Assistance
colop should chances for college be changed?
aidneedy govt money for low income students
aidsmart govt money for high achieving students
aidavg gov $ for stdnts with avg inc and grades
Public Authorities' Role in Child Raising
kiddrugs govt intervene: child uses drugs
kidskips govt intervene: child skips school
kidout govt intervene: child stays out late
kidneedy govt intervene: child is neglected
kidbeat govt intervene: child is abused
kidhlth govt intervene: child not givn med trtmt
kidedpar govt intervene: child not sent to school
kidxfilm govt intervene: chld allowed to see porn
Legal Issues
beltup govt should require use of seat belts
nosmoke gov should prohibit smoking in pub areas
mustret govt should enforce mandatory retirement
Public Influence on Government
poleff1 public has little control over politics
poleff2 not worth talking to politicians
poleff3 avg person can influence politicians
poleff4 avg person can influence local govt
poleff5 people like me have much to say re govt
poleff6 avg person can influence govt decisions
poleff7 govt is generally responsive to public
poleff8 i am usually interested in local elections
poleff9 people can control world affairs
poleff10 the world is getting better
Government and the Economy
setwage govt control of wages
setprice govt control of prices
cutgovt cuts in govt spending
makejobs govt create new jobs
lessreg less govt regulation of business
hlphitec govt support for new products and tech
savejobs govt support for declining industries
cuthours reduction in length of work week
Government Spending Levels
spenviro govt spending on environment
sphlth govt spending on health
sppolice govt spending on law enforcement
spschool govt spending on education
sparms govt spending on defense
spretire govt spending on retirement benefits
spunemp govt spending on unemployment benefits
sparts govt spending on culture and the arts
inctax amount of tax on r's household income
bustax amount of tax on business and industry
Power and Priorities
infljobs top priority of govt: inflation or jobs?
laborpow power of labor unions in r's country
buspow power of business and industry
govtpow power of federal govt
Government's Role in Industries
ownpower govts role in electric power
ownmass govts role in local mass transportation
ownsteel govts role in the steel industry
ownbanks govts role in banking and insurance
ownautos govts role in automobile industry
Government Responsibilty
jobsall govts resp: provide jobs for all
pricecon govts resp: keep prices under control
hlthcare govts resp: provide hlth care for sick
aidold govts resp: provide for the elderly
aidindus govts resp: assist industrial growth
aidunemp govts resp: provide for the unemployed
equalize govts resp: reduce income differences
aidcol gov. should assist low-income college student
aidhouse gov. should provide housing to poor
Feeling for Political Groups
protstrs feel about people protest gov
revoltrs feel about people want to overthrow gov
racists feel about people who are racist
unionsok how good union for the country
polint your interest in politics
Public Influence on Government (2)
rprtst1 would you attend a public meeting
rprtst3 would you go on a protest march-demonstration
rprtst15 how many times be a public meeting past 5 yrs
rprtst35 how many times gone on a protest march past 5 yrs
grnlaws gov resp tomake industry less damaging
poleff11 don't have any say about what the government does
poleff12 even best politician cannot have much impact
poleff13 have a pretty good understanding of issues
poleff14 elections a good way of making gov pay attention
poleff15 most people better informed about politics than i
poleff16 people elected to congress try to keep promises
poleff17 most government administrator's can be trusted
demworks how well the system of democracy in america works?
taxspend choice between reducing taxes or spending more
runpower electric power should mainly be run by private
runhosp hospitals should mainly be run by private
runbanks banks should mainly be run by private
cutdebt should the government cut debt?
2006 Additions
helphlth how successful is govt: providing hlth care for the sick
helpold how successful is govt: decent standard of living for the old
helpsec how successful is govt: dealing with america s security
helpcrim how successful is govt: controlling crime
helpemp how successful is govt: fighting unemployment
helpenv how successful is govt: protecting environment
wotrial should authorities have right to detain the suspected
tapphone should authorities have right to tap phone conver'sation
stoprndm should authorities have right to search ppl in the street
fewtrsty there are only a few people r can trust completely
exploit other people take advantage of r if not careful
youinflu how often r is asked to help influence important decision
hlpinflu does r have people to ask to influence important decision
polsfair opinion of fairness of public official s treatment
knowpols public official s treatment depends on who they know
corrupt1 opinion of corruption by politician
corrupt2 opinion of corruption by government administrators
bribe does r see public official asking for a bribe in last five years
peocntct how many people in contact in a typical weekday
2012 Additions
prespop approve of pres handling job
volactyr since last yr any volunteering
volacty2 done other types of volunteering for child's school or youth org
polefy3 avg citizen influence on politics
polefy11 how much say about what govt does
polefy13 understand issues facing country
polefy15 how informed about politics
polefy16 how often congress keeps promises
polefy17 how many govt admins can be trusted to do what's best
ratetone r's facial coloring by interviewer
2016 Additions
cctv civil liberties - video surveillance
prvdhlth who provides for sick people
prvdold who provides for old people
prvdschl who provides school educ
emonitor civil liberties - monitor emails
govtinfo should govt info be public
givinffor should govt collect foreigner info without knowledge
givinfusa should govt collect citizen info without knowledge
gvinflu1 what peo or org have most inf
gvinflu2 what peo or org have 2nd most inf
gendereq gov resp to promote equality
polgbeco what is your view on politics in us & world
taxbylaw do authorities tax legally
taxpaid do authorities ensure taxes are paid
Contact with Parents
malive mother still alive?
mavisit how often visit mother
matime travel time to mother
macall contact with mother
palive father still alive?
pavisit how often visit father
patime travel time to father
pacall contact with father
Contact with Siblings
sisnum number of adult sister's
sisvisit how often visit sister
sistime travel time to sister
siscall contact with sister
bronum number of adult brothers
brovisit how often visit brother
brotime travel time to brother
brocall contact with brother
Contact with Children
daunum number of adult daughter's
dauvisit how often visit with daughter
dautime travel time to daughter
daucall contact with daughter
sonnum number of adult sons
sonvisit how often visit son
sontime travel time to son
soncall contact with son
Other Relatives - Information and Contacts
posslqy relationship status and cohabitation or not
posslq does r have marital partner
grparnum number of grandparents
grkidnum number of adult grandchildren
unaunum number of aunts and uncles
inlawnum number of in-laws
relnum number of adult nieces, nephews, etc
relmost adult relative r has most contact with
relvisit how often visit most contacted rel
reltime travel time to most contacted rel
relcall contact with most contacted rel
Contact with Friends
frinum number of close friends
friwork number of close friends are coworkers
frineigh number of close friends are neighbors
frisex sex of closest friend
frivisit how often visit closest friend
fritime travel time to closest friend
fricall contact with closest friend
Who Turn to for Help
chores1 help for household tasks #1
chores2 help for household tasks #2
sick1 help if sick #1
sick2 help if sick #2
borrow1 borrow money #1
borrow2 borrow money #2
upset1 help for marital problem #1
upset2 help for marital problem #2
down1 help for depression #1
down2 help for depression #2
change1 help regarding important change #1
change2 help regarding important change #2
How Long in Home and Community
livecom length of residence in city, town, comm
livehome length at present dwelling
matime1 how long does it take to get to where mother live
sibnum number of adult sister or brother
sibmost do r have the most contact with sister or brother
sibvisit how often does r visit this sister or brother
sibcall how often does r contact by telephone or letter
kidnum number of children age 18 and older
kidmost do r have the most contact with son or daughter
kidvisit how often does r visit this son or daughter
kidcall how often does r contact by telephone or letter
pavisit1 how often does r visit father
pacall1 how often does r contact father by telephone
mavisit1 how often does r visit mother
macall1 how often does r contact mother by telephone
uncaunts how often does r contact uncles or aunts
cousins how often does r contact cousin
parslaw how often does r contact parents-in-law
sibinlaw how often does r contact brothers or sister's-in-law
niecenep how often does r contact nieces and nephews
godparts how often does r contact god-parents
cowrkfrd number of close friends at work place
neifrd number of close friends who live near r
bestfrd number of other close friends
bstvisit how often does r visit best friend
bstcall how often does r call best friend
grppol participated in activity of political party
grpunion participated in activity of a trade union
grpchurh participated in activity of church past 12 months
grpsport participated in sports group past 12 months
grpchrty participated in a charitable org past 12 months
grpnei participated in a neighbor association past 12 months
grpoth participated in other associations past 12 months
sick1a who does r turn to first for help when sick
sick2a who does r turn to second for help when sick
borrow1a who does r turn to first when large money needed
borrow2a who does r turn to second when large money needed
down1a who does r turn to first for help when depressed
down2a who does r turn to second for help when depressed
helphwrk helped someone with hwork during past 12 months
lentto lent money to another person past 12 months
talkedto talked with someone depressed past 12 months
helpjob helped somebody to find a job past 12 months
learnjob how did r find out about present work
frdthink should close friend be someone intelligent
frdhelps should close friend be someone who helps r
frdknows should close friend be someone who understands r
frdenjoy should close friend be someone who is enjoyable
kidpars do adult children have duty to look after parent
firstyou should take care of oneself and ones family first
helpfrds should better off ppl help less well-off friend
usefrds ok to have frds just bc they are of use to r
aidkids govts resp provide childcare
othfrd number of other close friends
demands r feels that family make too many demands on r
trustpeo there are only a few ppl r can trust completely
wantbest r is sure that other ppl want the best for r
advantge other ppl will take advantage of r if not careful
comyear how long has r lived in city where r lives now
localgvt how likely can r do sth for improvmnt in community
Factors for Getting Ahead in Life
opwlth need wealthy family to get ahead
oppared need educated parents to get ahead
opeduc need good education to get ahead
opambit need ambition to get ahead
opable need natural ability to get ahead
ophrdwrk need to work hard to get ahead
opknow need to know right people to get ahead
opclout need political connections to get ahead
oprace need to be right race to get ahead
oprelig need to be right religion to get ahead
opregion must be from right region to get ahead
opsex need to be right sex to get ahead
oppol must have certain polviews to get ahead
Need for Inequality
goodlife standard of living of r will improve
incentiv pay differences needed for motivation
inequal1 extra pay -> people take responsibility
inequal2 extra pay -> workers acquire skills
inequal3 inequality exists for benefit of rich
inequal4 extra pay -> people earn degrees
inequal5 pay differences -> american prosperity
inequal6 everyone benefits from business profits
inequal7 inequality due to lack of solidarity
Guessing Job Pay
paymason how much r thinks bricklayer makes
paydoc how much r thinks doctor makes
payclerk how much r thinks bank clerk makes
payowner how much r thinks shop owner makes
payexec how much r thinks corporate head makes
payskill how much r thinks skilled worker makes
payfarm how much r thinks farm worker makes
paysec how much r thinks secretary makes
paybus how much r thinks bus driver makes
payunskl how much r thinks unskilled wrkr makes
paycabnt how much r thinks cabinet member makes
How Much Jobs Should Pay
paylaw how much r thinks lawyer's make
paysales how much r thinks salesclerks make
payfctry how much r thinks owner of a large factory makes
payowner how much r thinks shop owner makes
payjudge how much r thinks supreme court justice makes
payrocc how much r thinks workers in own occupation make
givmason how much ought mason make?
givdoc how much ought doctor make?
givclerk how much ought bank clerk make?
givowner how much ought shop owner make?
givexec how much ought corporate head make?
givskill how much ought skilled worker make?
givfarm how much ought farm worker make?
givsec how much ought secretary make?
givbus how much ought bus driver make?
givunskl how much ought unskilled worker make?
givcabnt how much ought cabinet member make?
Economic Inequality and the Role of Government
givlaw how much ought lawyer make
givsales how much ought salesclerk make
givfctry how much ought owner of a large factory makes
givowner how much ought shop owner make?
givjudge how much ought justice make
givrocc how much ought worker in own occupation make
incgap income differentials in usa too big
goveqinc govmnt should reduce inc differentials
govedop govmnt should help poor attend college
govjobs govmnt should provide jobs
govless govmnt should spend less on poor
govunemp govmnt should provide unemp benefits
govminc govmnt should provide minimum income
Class Tax Levels
taxrich taxes on high income people too high
taxmid taxes on middle income people too high
taxpoor taxes on low income people too high
taxshare should rich pay bigger share of taxes?
Class Conflict
conwlth conflict between poor and rich in usa?
conclass working and middle classes in conflict?
conjobs employed and unemployed in conflict
conunion workers and management in conflict?
conurban farmer's and city people in conflict?
Occupational Mobility
consoc conflict between social top and bottom
conage conflict between young and old
occmobil status of job higher than father's?
pajob type of job held by father when r 16
paslf was father self-employed?
firstjob type of first job held by r
firstslf first job self-employment?
lastjob type of current job held by r
lastslf current job self-employment?