GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

Working Women and the Family
rewrdeff effort rewarded in america
rewrdint intelligence and skill rewarded in america
corrupt must be corrupt to get to top in america
earndes r deserves earnings
ldcgap differences between rich and poor too large
ldctax rich countries pay tax to help poor countries
richhlth rich buy better health care than poor
richeduc rich buy better education than poor
payresp how much pay dependent on responsibility
payedtrn how much pay dependent on educ and training
paysup how much pay dependent on supervising others
payfam1 how much pay dependent on family to support
paychild how much pay dependent on children
paydowel how much pay dependent on work well done
payhard how much pay dependent on working hard
justpay is r's pay just
soctype1 what type of society is america
soctype2 what type of society does r prefer
famrnk rank in society of r
unsklrnk rank in society of unskilled workers
execrnk rank in society of chairmen
pasup r's father supervisor
books16 books in home of r age 16
mawrkwrm working mom can have a warm rel w kids
kidsuffr preschooler will suffer if mom works
famsuffr family life suffers if mom works f-t
hapifwrk woman and family happier if she works
homekid most women really want a home and kids
housewrk being housewife as fulfilling as paid work
fejobind job is best way for woman to be indep
twoincs husb & wife should contrib to family income
hubbywrk husb shld work wife shld look after home
When Should Women Work Outside Home
ilikejob r would enjoy job if money wasn't needed
wrknokid shld mom work aftr marriage, before kids?
wrkbaby shld woman with preschooler work?
wrksch shld woman work after youngest in school?
wrkgrown shld woman work after kids leave home?
Child Care Arrangements
daycare1 public daycare center ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare2 private daycare center ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare3 babysitter ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare4 friend or neighbor ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare5 relative ok for kid < 3yrs?
Marriage and Child Bearing
femarry way of life recommendation for woman
memarry way of life recommendation for man
marhappy married people happier than unmarried
marfree personal freedom more impt than marriage
marfin financial security main advtg of marriage
markids main purpose of marriage = kids
marnomar bad marriage better than none at all
marlegit those wanting kids should get married
marmakid single ma can raise kids well as couple
marpakid single pa can raise kids well as couple
mardiv marriage not taken seriously when div is easy
marhomo homosexuals should have right to marry
marhomo1 homosexuals have right to marry
martype marital type
Family Size
numkids what is ideal number of kids for family
nokids desirability of no-kid family
onekid desirability of one-kid family
twokids desirability of two-kid family
threkids desirability of three-kid family
fourkids desirability of 4+ kid family
Having Children
kidtrble kids more trouble than they are worth
kidjoy kids are life's greatest joy
kidnofre kids interfere with parents' freedom
kidless kidless marriage is incomplete
kidfin better not to have kids due to $ burden
kidempty kidless people lead empty lives
divnow how easy is it to get a divorce today
divnokid how easy should divorce be for kidless
divifkid how easy should divorce be if kids
divkids kids better if bad marrge ended by div
divwife wife better if bad marrge ended by div
divhubby husb better if bad marrge ended by div
mawork14 did mom work before r was 14 yrs old
evdiv has r ever been divorced
spevdiv has r's current spouse been divorced
cohabit did r live with spouse before marriage
Work History - Married Women with Children
rwrknokd did r work aftr marrge but before kids
rwrkbaby did r work when kid was preschooler
rwrksch did r work after youngest in school
rwrkgrwn did r work after kids left home
Work and the Family
earnsmor hubby or wife earns more $
fewrksup do most women work to support family
hubbywk1 men should earn money women keep house
mrmom gender role reversal hurts family
meovrwrk men hurt family when focus on work too much
Family Issues
singlpar single parents can raise kids as well as two
cohabok living together as an acceptable option
cohabfst people should live together before marriage
divbest divorce as best solution to marital problems
divifkd1 should feuding parents stay together for kids
divnokd1 childless couples stay married even with problems
livnowed did r live with partner before marriage
mapaid should working women have paid maternity leave
chldcare should families get benefits if both parents work
Sexual Issues
abchoose should a woman get an abortion for any reason
teensex1 morality of teens having sex
sexhar r experienced sexual harassment
Household Money and Chore Management
fambudgt how couples monitor budget
laundry who in household does laundry
repairs who in household does small repair's
caresick who in household cares for sick in family
shopfood who in household shops for groceries
dinner who in household plans meals
Spouse Work Outside Home
spwknokd did spouse work after marriage before kids
spwkbaby did spouse work with young children
spwrksch did spouse work with school age children
spwkgrwn did spouse work after children left home
mehhwork men ought to do more hh work than they do now
mekdcare men ought to do more childcare than they do now
laundry1 who in household does laundry
repairs1 who in household does small repairs
caresik1 who in household cares for sick in family
shop1 who in household shops for groceries
clean1 who in household does cleaning
cooking1 who in household prepares the meals
rhhwork how many hours a week does r spend on hh work
sphhwork how many hours a week does spouse on hh wrk
hhwkfair sharing of hh work between r and spouse
hhwkdis how often r and spouse disagree sharing of hh wrk
deckids who makes decision about how to bring up children
weekend who has final say about choosing weekend activity
buythngs who has final say about buying things for home
timehome run out of time before getting things done at home
strsshme life at home is rarely stressful
timework run out of time before getting things done at work
strsswrk job is rarely stressful
tiredhme come home from work too tired to do the chores
jobvsfam difficult to fulfill fam responsibility bc of job
tiredwrk arrived at work too tired to function bc of hhwork
famvswrk difficult to concentrate wrk bc of fam responsibility
happy7 how happy r is
satjob7 job satisfaction in general
satfam7 family satisfaction in general
fewknokd women should work outside when no kids
twoincs1 both men and women should contribute to income
earnshh hubby or wife earns more dollars
How Change Time Spent
timepdwk time r would spend on paid work
timehhwk time r would spend on household work
timefam time r would spend on family
timefrnd time r would spend on friends
timeleis time r would spend on leisure
timerelx time r would spend relaxing
Attitude Towards Work
wrkearn job is just a way to earn money
wrkenjoy enjoy job even if $ not needed
wrkimp work is persons most impt. activity
hwduties is r mainly respons.for hh chores?
Important Job Pay Factors
yrsfirm importance of tenure to pay
dowell importance of performance to pay
expernc importance of experience to pay
paysame importance of standard rates to pay
ageemp importance of age to pay
sexemp importance of gender to pay
famresp importance of family resps. to pay
educemp importance of educ & qualif. to pay
dk don't know response to pay items
Workers and Management
bosswrks management & workers always in conflict
strngun strong unions needed to protect workers
Important Aspects of Job
secjob importance of job security in a job
hiinc importance of high pr income in a job
promotn importance of advancement in a job
leisure importance of leisure time in a job
intjob importance of interesting work in a job
wrkindp importance of independent work in a job
hlpoths importance of helping others in a job
hlpsoc importance of social usefulness in a job
flexhrs importance of flexible hrs. in a job
Worst Aspects of Unemployment
unpeople rank of no people contact when unemployed
unmoney rank of shortage of money when unemployed
unslfcon rank of loss of confide. when unemployed
unrespct rank of loss of respect when unemployed
unfamten rank of family tensions when unemployed
unjobexp rank of how to spend time when unemployed
unbored rank of boredom when unemployed
undk don't know response to unemployment items
Job Preferences
empself does r prefer self-employment or not ?
smallbig r preference re: firm size in
indusoth r preference re: manufacture service, etc
privgovt r preference re: private public sector
Other Work Issues
workweek does r work at least 10 hrs/wk
wantjob would r like a job now
findjob could r find a job <unemployed r's>
iwrkhard how hard does r work at job
hrsmoney r preference re: work hrs and money
More Job Pay Factors
ryrsfirm importance of tenure
rdowell importance of performance
rpaysame importance of standard rates
rexpernc importance of experience
rageemp importance of age
rfamresp importance of family resps.
reducemp importance of educ. & formal qual.
rdk don't know response to unemployment items
Evaluation of Own Work Situation
rsecjob r's job is secure
rhiinc r's income is high
rpromotn r has opportunity to advance
rleisure r's job leaves much leisure time
rintjob r's job is interesting
rwrkindp r can work independently
rhlpoths r helps others in job
rhlpsoc r's job is useful to society
rflexhrs r's job has flexible hrs.
xhaustn how often does work exhaust r
physwrk how often must r do physical work
stress how often does r find work stressful
boredom how often is r bored at work
danger how often does r work in dangerous conds
unhlthy how often does r work in unhealthy conds
unpleznt how often does r work in unpleasant conds
planwrk how much can r plan daily work
findwork could r find a job <employed r's>
Workplace Relations
bossemps quality of mgmnt-employee rels: r's firm
cowrkers quality of rels among workers: r's firm
jobsat how satisfied is r with his/her job
supervis does r supervise others at work in main job
supnum number of workers r supervises
Other Jobs
moonlite does r have a second job
othhrs hours r spends at other job<s>
Job Sites
numsites does r's firm have more than one location
localnum number of employees: r's work site
totalnum number of employees: r's entire firm
Employ Others
employer does r employ others
numemply number of persons r employs
2006 Additions
selfemp1 employee have more job security than the self-employed
selfemp2 being employee interfere more with family life than self-employment
unjobsec unions are very important for job security
unbetter working condition would be much worse without unions
rimpskls job gives r chance to improve skills
dailywrk how r's daily work is organized
timeoff how difficult r takes an hour off during working hours
jbintfam how often r felt: demand of job interfere with family life
famintjb how often r felt: demand of family life interfere with job
newjob how helpful present work skill would be for new job
jbtrain did r have any training to improve job skill past 12 months
jobeasy how easy if r find a job as good as current one
replaceu how easy r's firm replaces r if r left
nounemp1 r would accept job requiring new skill to avoid unemployment
nounemp2 r would accept position with lower pay to avoid unemployment
nounemp3 r would accept temporary employment to avoid unemployment
nounemp4 r would accept travel longer to work to avoid unemployment
otherwrk does r have any additional job
big5a1 r see oneself as someone who is reserved
big5b1 r see oneself as someone who is generally trusted
big5c1 r see oneself as someone who does a thorough job
big5d1 r see oneself as someone who is relaxed
big5e1 r see oneself as someone who has an active imagination
big5a2 r see oneself as someone who is sociable
big5b2 r see oneself as someone who tends to find fault with others
big5c2 r see oneself as someone who tends to be lazy
big5d2 r see oneself as someone who gets nervous easily
big5e2 r see oneself as someone who has few artistic interests
skltrain r had job skill training in thepast 12 months
spwrkgvt spouse working for government
Personal Values
paydojob how important job well done in deciding pay
payfam how important family responsibility in deciding p
payeduc how important education in deciding pay
paytime how important be long with the firm in deciding p
techjobs new techs increase number of jobs
techwork new techs make work more interesting
wantjob1 which job would you prefer
worknow are you currently working for pay
sethours who set working hours
placewrk where do you work
wktenure describe your present job situation
useskill how much past skills can you make use in present
edcskill how important school in developing skills
jobskill how important training in developing skills
helporg1 willing to work harder for the firm
prideorg i am proud working for my firm
chngwork i would change my job for something else
stayorg3 i would turn down job offering more pay
proudwrk i am proud of the type of work i do
absent how many days absent from work past 6 month
leavejob how likely will try to find another firm
worryjob do you worry about losing job
evjob have you ever had a paid job for 1 year or+
yrjobend when did your last paid job end
whyjbend main reason your job end
wantjob2 would like to have a job now or in the future
getjob how likely you would find a job
lookjob are you looking for a job
pubagncy registered at a public employment agency
priagncy registered at a private employment agency
wantads answered advertisements for jobs
adforjob advertised for a job in newspaper's
appemps applied directly to employers
askhelp asked relatives friends colleagues to help
econsup main source of economic support
hapunhap happy or unhappy with life today
stiffpun lawbreakers should get stiffer sentences
deathpen murderers should get death penalty
premars1 is premarital sex wrong?
xmarsex1 is extramarital sex wrong?
homosex1 is homosexual sex wrong?
abdefct1 law should allow abortion for birth defects
abpoor1 law should allow abortion if family low income
abdefctw wrong for woman to get abortion for birth defects
abpoorw wrong for woman to get abortion if low income?
Cheating on Benefits and Taxes
taxcheat wrong to cheat on taxes?
govcheat wrong to give govt false info for benefits?
Confidence in Institutions
concong confidence in us congress
conbiz confidence in business and industry
congovt confidence in government departments
conchurh confidence in churches and religious orgs
concourt confidence in courts and legal system
conschls confidence in schools and educ system
Influence of Religion in Government
polsgod atheists shouldn't hold public office
clergvte clergy shouldn't try to influence voters
religpub better if more believers held public office
clerggov clergy shouldn't try to influence govt decisions
churhpow do churches have too much power?
Religious Beliefs
godchnge describe your beliefs about god
afterlif belief in life after death
devil belief in the devil
heaven belief in heaven
hell belief in hell
miracles belief in religious miracles
bible1 describe your feelings about the bible
theism god concerned with human beings personally
fatalism people can't change the course of their lives
godmeans life meaningful because god exists
nihilism life serves no purpose
predeter god decides the course of our lives
egomeans life meaningful only if you provide meaning
ownfate we each make our own fate
relexper turning point in life for religion
Parent's Religion
marelkid mothers religion when r was child
madenkid if protestant, mothers denomination
parelkid father's religion when r was child
padenkid if protestant, father's denomination
Own Religious Upbringing & Spouse's Religion
religkid religion r was raised in
denkid if protestant, denomination r raised in
religsp r's spouse's religion
densp if protestant, r's spouse's denomination
Childhood and Current Religious Participation
attendma freq of r's mom's relig svc attendance
attendpa freq of r's dad's relig svc attendance
attend12 freq of r's relig svc attendance at age 12
prayfreq how often does r pray
relactiv how often does r take part in relig activities
relactiv1 how often does r take part in relig activities
feelrel how religious is r
Religion's Role in Society
schlpray should there be daily prayer in public schools?
godright god's laws should decide right and wrong
socright society's laws should decide right and wrong
perright conscience should decide right and wrong
antirel anti-religious material should be banned
National Priorities
befair how often do you think people take advantage
cantrust people can be trusted or cant be too careful
trustsci we trust too much in science
religcon religions bring more conflict
religint religious people are often too intolerant
religinf the u.s. would be a better country if religion had less influence
volwkpol volunteered political activities past 12 month
volwkchr volunteered charitable past 12 month
volwkrel volunteered religious past 12 month
volwkoth volunteered other kinds past 12 month
reltruth how much truth in religion
carright what your friend has a right to expect from you
cardo what would you do in this situation
geomobil has r moved from one kind of place to another
relgrpeq all religious groups in usa should have equal rights
rspctrel we must respect all religions
relmarry r accepts a person from a different religion or view from r's marrying relative
relcand r accepts a person from a different religion or view from r's being candidate of
relext1 religious extremists should be allowed to hold public meeting to express views
relext2 people should be allowed to publish books expressing their views
reincar believe in reincarnation
nirvana believe in nirvana
ancestrs believe in supernatural power of deceased ancestors
mywaygod r has own way of connecting with god without churches or religious services
relobjct for religious reasons r has in home shrine, altar, or religious object on displa
vistholy how often r visits holy place for religious reasons
relsprt is r spiritual person
paxhappy religion helps people to find inner peace and happiness
makefrnd religion helps people to make friends
comfort religion helps people to gain comfort in times of trouble and sorrow
rightpeo religion helps people to meet the right kind of people
perscrfc r made some personal sacrifice as an expression of faith by fasting, giving up a
obeythnk should chldrn be obedient or think for selves
privent private enterprise will solve u.s. problems
postmat1 highest priority for america
postmat2 2nd highest priority for america
The Role of Science
scifaith believe too much in science, not enough faith
harmgood modern science does more harm than good
sciworse humans change nature for the worse
scigrn modern science will solve envir probs
Environmental Values
grnecon worry too much about envir, too little econ
harmsgrn almost everything we do harms envir
anrights animals have rights too
resnatur humans should respect naturecreated by god
grnprog worry too much about progress harming envir
naturpax nature would be at peace if humans left alone
grwthelp amer needs econ grwth to protect envir
antests ok to test on animals to save humans
naturwar nature is survival of fittest
grwtharm econ grwth always harms envir
naturgod relationship of nature to god
Willingness to Protect the Environment
grnprice pay higher prices to help envir?
grntaxes pay higher taxes to help envir?
grnsol accept cut in living stnds to help envir?
toodifme too diff to do anything about envir
ihlpgrn do what i can to help envir
Science Knowledge Tests
scitest1 humans make all radioactivity
scitest2 antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses
scitest3 astrology has some scientific truth
scitest4 humans evolved from animals
scitest5 all man-made chems cause cancer
grntest1 all will die if exposed to radioact
grntest2 nuke waste dangerous for thousands of yrs
grntest3 greenhouse effect caused by hole in atmosphere
grntest4 using coal or gas contrib to greenhouse effect
grntest5 all pesticides cause cancer
grntest6 humans are main cause of plant & animal extinct
grntest7 car's not imp cause of air pollution
Environmental Dangers
carsgen car pollution danger to envir
carsfam car pollution danger to my family
carsten car pollution will increase in next 10 yrs
nukegen nuke power danger to envir
nukefam nuke power danger to my family
indusgen indust air pollution danger to envir
indusfam indust air pollution danger to my family
chemgen pesticides danger to envir
chemfam pesticides danger to my family
watergen water pollution danger to envir
waterfam water pollution danger to my family
tempgen greenhouse effect danger to envir
tempfam greenhouse effect danger to my family
Government Environmental Involvement
pubdecid govt should let peop decide how to protect envir
busdecid govt should let biz decide how to protect envir
Personal Behavior to Help Environment
recycle recycle cans bottles
chemfree buy pesticide free fruits, vegetables
nomeat refuse to eat meat for envir reasons
drivless drive less for envir reasons
grngroup member of envir group
grnsign sign petition on envir issue
grnmoney give money to envir group
grndemo protested for envir issue
comtype type of community in which r lives
2010 Module
topprob1 most important issue for america
topprob2 next important issue
privent private enterprise will solve u.s. problems
goveqinc govmnt should reduce inc differentials
postmat1 highest priority for america
postmat2 2nd highest priority for america
trust5 people can or cannot be trusted
fair5 people fair or not
govdook we can trust people in govt
polgreed most politicians are only for what get out of politics
grncon concerned about environment
enprbus most important environment problem
enprbfam problem effect family most
knwcause know causes of environment issues
knowsol know solutions to environment issues
scifaith believe too much in science, not enough faith
harmgood modern science does more harm than good
scigrn modern science will solve envir probs
grncon concerned about environment
harmsgrn almost everything we do harms envir
grnprog worry too much about progress harming envir
grwthelp amer needs econ grwth to protect envir
grwtharm econ grwth always harms envir
popgrwth earth cannot support population growth
grnprice pay higher prices to help envir?
grntaxes pay higher taxes to help envir?
grnsol accept cut in living stnds to help envir?
toodifme too diff to do anything about envir
ihlpgrn do what i can to help envir
impgrn more important in life than save environment
othssame no saving environment unless others do same
grnexagg environmental threats exaggerated
helpharm way living helps or harms
grneffme environment effect everyday life
carsgen car pollution danger to envir
indusgen indust air pollution danger to envir
chemgen pesticides danger to envir
watergen water pollution danger to envir
tempgen1 greenhouse effect danger to envir
genegen how dangerous modifying genes in crops
nukegen nuke power danger to envir
pubdecid govt should let peop decide how to protect envir
busdecid govt should let biz decide how to protect envir
usdoenuf u.s. protect environment
busgrn u.s. business to protect environment
peopgrn how get people to protect environment
energy have a lot of energy in past 4 wks
futenrgy u.s. energy priorities
grnintl intl agreements for environment problems
ldcgrn poor countries less than rich for environment
econgrn economic progress dependent on environment
recycle recycle cans bottles
chemfree buy pesticide free fruits, vegetables
drivless drive less for envir reasons
redcehme how often reduce fuel
h2oless how often save water
nobuygrn how often avoid products
grngroup member of envir group
grnsign sign petition on envir issue
grnmoney give money to envir group
grndemo protested for envir issue