GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

socid1 most important to r
socid2 second most important to r
socid3 third most important to r
amancstr how important to have american ancestry
lessprd agree often less proud of america
intlincs large intl company damage to local business
freetrde free trade leads to better products
decsorgs america should follow decision of intl org
powrorgs intl orgs take away much power from american govt
forcult exposure to foreign film damage to our culture
internet internet makes info available more people
immimp immigrants improve american society
immcosts govt spend too much money for immigrants
kidshere parent of america born child should become citizen
kidsaway child born abroad of american should become citizen
immrghts legal immigrants should have same right as american
amproud1 how proud being american
nafta2a america benefits from being a member of nafta?
nafta3 america should follow nafta decision
citworld i am a citizen of the world
shortcom world better if america acknowledged shortcomings
immcult immigrants undermine american culture
immeduc legal immigrants should have same education as americans
letin1a number of immigrants nowadays should be
immassim what statement about immigrants matches view
patriot1 patriotic feelings strengthen america's place in world
patriot2 patriotic feelings lead to intolerance in america
patriot3 patriotic feelings are needed for america to remain united
patriot4 patriotic feelings lead to negative feelings towards immigrants
voteelec how important always to vote in elections
paytaxes how important never to try to evade taxes
obeylaws how important always to obey laws
watchgov how important to keep watch on action of govt
actassoc how important to be active on soc or pol association
othreasn how important to try to undr'stnd reasoning of othr o
buypol how important to choose products for pol reasons
helpusa how important to help worse off ppl in america
helpwrld how important to help worse off ppl in rest of world
milserve how important to serve in military when needed
relmeet allowed to hold pub meeting for religious extremist
revmeet allowed to hold pub meeting for ppl who want overthrow
racmeet allowed to hold pub meeting for racist
signdpet signed a petition
avoidbuy boycotted products for pol reasons
joindem took part in a demonstration
attrally attended a political meeting or rally
cntctgov contacted politician or civil servant to express view
polfunds donated money or raised funds for soc or pol activity
usemedia contacted in the media to express view
interpol joined an internet political forum
grpparty r belongs to a political party
grpwork r belongs to a trade union or professional association
grprelig r belongs to a church or othr religious organization
grpsprts r belongs to a sports, leisure, or cultural grp
grpother r belongs to another voluntary association
solok how important: citizens have adequate standard of living
rghtsmin how important: govt protect right of minorities
eqtreat how important: govt treat everybody equally
citviews how important: politician consider views of citizen
polopts how important: ppl given chance to participate in decsns
oppsegov how important: citizen engage in acts of civil disobeyed
poleff18 govt do not care much what ppl like r think
poleff19 r have a good understanding of pol issues
poleff20 most ppl are better informed about politics than r is
actlaw how likely r to do something if unjust law being cons
affctlaw how likely congress give serious attention to r's demands
polint1 how interested in politics
govdook we can trust people in govt
polgreed most politicians are only for what get out of politics
discpol how often r discuss politics
chngeoth how often r try to persuade other to share views
powerun how much power r think united nations have
govngos decision left to natl govt representative or citizen or
unrghts un should intervene if human right is seriously viola
polactve pol party encourage ppl to be active in politics in am
choices political parties don't give real policy choices
refrndms referendum are good way to decide important pol quest
elecvote how honest last natl election: counting of votes
elecfair how fair last natl election: opprtunities of candidate
servepeo how committed govt admnstrator's are to serve people
fixmistk how likely govt admnstrtor's be corrected when making
corruptn how widespread corruption is in pub service in america
demtoday how well democracy work in america
dem10pst how well did democracy work in america ten yrs ago
dem10fut how well will democracy work in america in ten yrs
demrghts democratic rghts shouldn't be restricted by govt
creation view about origin and development of man
scitesty human beings developed from earlier species of animal
polinter expressed political views on internet past year
polnews how often use media to get political news
gvtrghts govt should respect democratic rights
crimlose people convicted of serious crimes lose citizen rights
ntcitvte long-term residents should vote
notvote citizens have right not to vote
hlthall healthcare provided for everyone
leftrght how left or right in politics
ssfchild same sex female couple raise child as well as male-female couple
ssmchild same sex male couple raise child as well as male-female couple
kidfinbu children are financial burden on parents
kidjob children limit emp and career opp for one or both parents
kidsocst having children increases social standing in society
eldersup adult children are imp to help elderly parents
paidlv paid leave for childcare
paidlv1 months of leave that should be available
paidlvpy who pays for leave
paidlvdv mother or father paid leave
famwkbst best way to org family work life with under school age child
famwklst wor'st way to org family work life with under school age child
careprov who should provide childcare for under school age child
carecost who should pay for costs of care for under school age child
eldhelp who should provide help for elderly
eldcost who should pay for help for elderly
hhclean1 who does household cleaning
wkndact who decides weekend activities
tiredhm1 how often too tired to do housework
jobvsfa1 how often jobtakes too much time to fulfill family resp
tiredwk1 how often too tired from housework to do job well
famvswk1 how often difficult to conc at work because family resp
wkkidscl did r work outside home with child under school age
wkyngscl did r work outside home after child started school
wkkidscs did partner work outside home with child under school age
wkyngscs did partner work outside home after child started school
spfalook hours spouse spends looking after family members
rfamlook hours r spends looking after family members
splive how long been living with spouse
spborn when was your spouse born
agedchld should grown children live with parents
agedpar should aged live with their children
union1 does r or spouse or partner belong to union
hunt1 does r or spouse or partner hunt
Flexible Work
paidhow how are you paid
usualhrs how many hrs/week do you usually work
mosthrs most hrs/week worked in past month
leasthrs fewest hrs/week worked in past month
sethrs how are your working hours decided
advsched how far in advance do you schedule work
Arts and Culture
artatt attended exhibit alone or with others
artatt1 attended with spouse or partner
artatt2 attended with child
artatt3 attended with friend
artatt4 attended with relative
artatt5 attended with other
artcost did not go due to cost
artexbt did r go to an art exhibit in last 12 months
artfree was exhibit attended free
artgst did not go because couldn't find anyone to go with
artint did not go since not of interest
artloc did not want to go to that location
artmostoth most imp factor in not attending art exhibit
artothr other reason why did not go
arttime did not go due to lack of time
arttrvl did not go because too dificult to get there
artwhy1 imp of low cost in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy2 imp of wanting to experience high quality art in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy3 imp of wanting to socialize with friends or fam in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy4 imp of wanting to celebrate cultural heritage in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy5 imp of wanting to support community in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy6 imp of wanting to learn in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy7 imp of location in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy8 was there another major reason in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy9 other major reason in decision to attend
prfmatt did r attend alone or with others
prfmatt1 attended with spouse or partner
prfmatt2 attended with child
prfmatt3 attended with friend
prfmatt4 attended with relative
prfmatt5 attended with other
prfmcost did not go due to cost
prfmdan was it a dance performance
prfmfree was performance attended free
prfmgst did not go because couldn't find anyone to go with
prfmint did not go since not of interest
prfmloc did not want to go to that location
prfmmostoth most imp factor in not attending performance
prfmmus was it a music performance
prfmnce did r go to a performance in last 12 months
prfmothr other reason why did not go
prfmothr1 other reason why did not go
prfmthe was it a theater performance
prfmtime did not go due to lack of time
prfmtrvl did not go because too dificult to get there
prfmwhy0 other major reason in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy1 imp of low cost in decision to attend performance
prfmwhy2 imp of wanting to experience high quality art in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy3 imp of wanting to socialize with friends or fam in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy4 imp of wanting to celebrate cultural heritage in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy5 imp of wanting to support community in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy6 imp of wanting to learn in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy7 imp of location in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy8 imp of specific individ performer in decision to attend perf
prfmwhy9 was there another major reason in decision to attend perf
nogo perf or exhibit r wanted to go to in past 12 months but did not
nogo1 performance or exhibit
Private Business
brlawfl do private companies comply with regulations
brnotax do private companies avoid taxes
Feelings During Past Week
cesd1 how much time felt depressed in past wk
cesd2 how much time sleep was restless in past wk
cesd3 how much time felt happy in past wk
cesd4 how much time felt lonely in past wk
cesd5 how much time felt sad in past wk
R's Partner
cobarate rate of ba degree earning at college partner attended
codeg partner's highest degree
coden partner's denomination
codipged partner diploma, ged, or other
coeduc highest year school completed, partner
coeftotlt total number of students enrolled at college partner attended
coevwork partner ever work as long as a year
cofund how fundamentalist is partner's current religion
cogradtounder ratio of graduate to undergraduate students at college partner attended
cohrs1 number of hours partner worked last week
cohrs2 no. of hours partner usually works a week
coind10 partner's industry code (2010)
coisco08 partner's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
cojew what sort of jew is r's partner currently
coocc10 partner's census occupation code (2010)
coother other protestant denominations
copres10 partner's occupational prestige score (2010)
copres105plus partner's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
corel partner's religious preference
cosector type of college partner attended
cosei10 partner's socioeconomic index (2010)
cosei10educ percentage of some college educ in coocc10 based on acs 2010
cosei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in coocc10 based on acs 2010
cowrkslf partner self-emp. or works for somebody else
cowrksta partner's labor force status
suiclse1 how close were you to closest suicide victim
suiclse2 how close wereyou to 2nd closest suicide victim
suimths1 how many months since closest suicide
suimths2 how many months since 2nd closest suicide
suineg1 did closest suicide negatively impact you
suineg2 did 2nd closest suicide negatively impact you
suinum people r knows suicide over lifetime
suinum1 people r knows suicide over lifetime
suirel1 r's relationship to closest suicide
suirel2 r's relationship to 2nd closest suicide
suitime1 how many years and months since closest suicide
suitime2 how many years and months since 2nd closest suicide
suiyrs1 how many years since closest suicide
suiyrs2 how many years since 2nd closest suicide
Social Media Use
intuse use internet/apps more than occassionally
intmbile use internet/apps from phone or tablet
intrecnt used internet/apps yesterday
twitter use twitter
facebook use facebook
fbaccess permission to access r's facebook account
instagrm use instagrm
linkedin use linkedin
snapchat use snapchat
tumblr use tumblr
whatsapp use whatsapp
googlesn use googlesn
pinterst use pinterest
flickr use flickr
vine use vine
clssmtes use clssmtes
snsmoth1 do you use any other social networks
snsmot2a first other social network
snsmot2b second other social network
snsmot2c third other social network
snsmnew which social network did you join most recently
snsmfrst which social network did you join first
snsmyear year first joined sns
intstart year starting to use internet/apps
intwkdyh hours of internet use on weekdays
intwkdym minutes of internet use on weekdays
intwkenh hours of internet use on weekends
intwkenm minutes of internet use on weekends
Hope and Optimism
lotr1 in uncertain times i usually expect best
lotr2 if something can go wrong for me it will
lotr3 i'm always optimistic about my future
lotr4 i hardly ever expect things to go my way
lotr5 i rarely count on good things happening to me
lotr6 i expect more good things to happen to me than bad
hope1 i could get out of a jam
hope2 i am energetically pursuing my goals
hope3 there are many ways around problems i face
hope4 i see myself as successful
hope5 i can think of many ways to reach my current goals
hope6 i am meeting my current goals
Racial/Ethnic Identity
racethas points assigned to asian american
racethbl points assigned to black/african american
racethhi points assigned to hispanic/latino
racethna points assigned to native american/american indian
racethot points assigned to other
racethwh points assigned to white
Work Orientation
chngewrk i would change my work for something different
decidwrk how are your working hours decided
discwk5 discrimination at work in past 5 yrs
econsup1 main source of economic support
exjobsat satisfaction with past job
extraern how much earned from additional jobs in past yr
extrawrk did you work multiple jobs in past yr
famorjob would you sacrifice job opportunities for family
flexhrs1 importance of flexible hrs. at work
harass5 harassment at work in past 5 yrs
jbendmo month last paid job ended
jbendyr year last paid job ended
joborfam would you remain in unsatisfying job for family
lowpay i would accept job for lower pay
mortravl i would accept a longer commute
moveaway i would move outside the usa for work
moveinus i would move within the usa for work
newskill i would accept job that requires new skills
nounemp5 i would move within the usa for work
nounemp6 i would move outside the usa for work
rcontact do you have personal contact at work
stresswk stress in past 2 wks
suprvsjb does r supervise others at work
tempwork i would accept temporary employment
unionsbd strong trade unions are bad for us economy
whydisc5 why were you discriminated against
wkathome how often do you work from home
wkpersnl importance of personal contact at work
wksub1 does r or spouse or partner have a supervisor
wksubs1 does supervisor have supervisor
wksup1 does r or spouse or partner supervise anyone
wksups1 does subordinant supervise anyone
wkwkends do you work weekends
worecsup do you worry about losing economic support
wornojob do you worry about not finding job
wrkshift what is your working schedule
Science Knowledge and Attitudes
evolved2 elephants evolved from earlier species: true or false
Housing Unit
huadd housing unit (hu) at address?
huaddwhy why there is no hu at this address
Interviewer Observations
respond estimate of the probability that this household will respond to the survey
neisafe how safe interviewer thinks neighborhood is
dwellpre type of structure in which the respondent lives
rhlthend r health rating
hlthstrt would you say the respondent? health in general is excellent, good, fair, or poo
rgroomed r grooming rating
rlooks r physical attractiveness rating
rweight r weight rating
kidsinhh does interviewer believe that there are children under the age of 15 present at
incuspop estimated income status of housing unit
Vote 2016
vote16 remember if voted in 2016 election
pres16 vote clinton or trump
if16who who you would have voted for
trust1 can people be trusted (see codebook)
Job Satisfaction
satjobhv job satisfaction
Randomization Variable Form X
random randomization variable for form x
Consent to Possible Data Linkage
adminconsent consent to possible data linkage
Spouse Supervise Anyone
spwksup does spouse supervise anyone
Should Do First
dofirst here are the things you said {#secl_name} should do... interviewer: read list
Personal Relationships with Mental Health Issues
knwmw1 gender identity of person 1
knwmw2 gender identity of person 2
knwmw3 gender identity of person 3
knwmw4 gender identity of person 4
knwmw5 gender identity of person 5
mhp1r1 relation to person 1 (1st mentioned)
mhp1r2 relation to person 1 (2nd mentioned)
mhp2r1 relation to person 2 (1st mentioned)
mhp2r2 relation to person 2 (2nd mentioned)
mhp3r1 relation to person 3 (1st mentioned)
mhp3r2 relation to person 3 (2nd mentioned)
mhp4r1 relation to person 4 (1st mentioned)
mhp4r2 relation to person 4 (2nd mentioned)
mhp5r1 relation to person 5 (1st mentioned)
mhp5r2 relation to person 5 (2nd mentioned)
closeto1 how close r is to person 1
closeto2 how close r is to person 2
closeto3 how close r is to person 3
closeto4 how close r is to person 4
closeto5 how close r is to person 5
seetalk1 how frequently r sees or talks to person 1
seetalk2 how frequently r sees or talks to person 2
seetalk3 how frequently r sees or talks to person 3
seetalk4 how frequently r sees or talks to person 4
seetalk5 how frequently r sees or talks to person 5
mhtreat1 is person 1 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat2 is person 2 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat3 is person 3 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat4 is person 4 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
mhtreat5 is person 5 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problem
myprobs1 how much person 1's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs2 how much person 2's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs3 how much person 3's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs4 how much person 4's mental health condition causes r problems
myprobs5 how much person 5's mental health condition causes r problems
severe1 how severe person 1's mental health problem is
severe2 how severe person 2's mental health problem is
severe3 how severe person 3's mental health problem is
severe4 how severe person 4's mental health problem is
severe5 how severe person 5's mental health problem is
dangoth1 how dangerous r thinks person 1 is to others
dangoth2 how dangerous r thinks person 2 is to others
dangoth3 how dangerous r thinks person 3 is to others
dangoth4 how dangerous r thinks person 4 is to others
dangoth5 how dangerous r thinks person 5 is to others
dangslf1 how dangerous r thinks person 1 is to themself
dangslf2 how dangerous r thinks person 2 is to themself
dangslf3 how dangerous r thinks person 3 is to themself
dangslf4 how dangerous r thinks person 4 is to themself
dangslf5 how dangerous r thinks person 5 is to themself
fammhneg r's family's negative attitudes about mh problems
othmhneg r's other acquaintences negative attitudes about mh problems
diagnosd r ever diagnosed with mh problem
mhtreatd r ever treated for mh problem
mcsds1 i’m always willing to admit it when i make a mistake
mcsds2 i sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget
mcsds3 at times i have really insisted on having things my own way
mcsds4 i have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my own
mcsds5 i have never deliberately said something that hurt someone’s feelings
mcsds6 i like to gossip at times
mcsds7 there have been occasions when i took advantage of someone
Prediction About Future
lifenow r's rating of life overall now from 0-10
lifein5 r's rating of life overall in five years from 0-10
disrspct r is treated with less courtesy or respect than others
poorserv r recieves poorer service in restaurants or stores
notsmart people act as if they think r is not smart
afraidof people act as if they are afraid of r
threaten r is threatened or harassed
General Health
quallife r's quality of life
hlthphys r's physical health
hlthmntl r's mental health, mood, and ability to think
satsoc r's satisfaction with social activities and relationships
actssoc how well r carries out usual social activities
physacts to what extent r can accomplish everyday physical activities
emoprobs in the past 7 days, how often r has been bothered by emotional problems
Health Problems
fatigue in the past 7 days, r's average fatigue
ratepain in the past 7 days, r's average pain
abfelegl women only: women should be able to have legal abortions
abmelegl men only: women should be able to have legal abortions
abmoral r has a moral opposition to abortion
abstate1 difficulty of obtaining abortion in r's state
abstate2 change abortion laws in r's state to make it easier or harder to get an abortion
abhelp1 r would help with arrangements for abortion
abhelp2 r would help with paying for abortion
abhelp3 r would help with paying for abortion-related other costs
abhelp4 r would help with emotional support for abortion
abmedgov1 woman and doctor or govt should decide what info needed for abortion - ver x
abmedgov2 woman and doctor or govt should decide what info needed for childbirth - ver y
abinspay should people be able to use health insurance for abortion - ver y
Experience of Nature
natnotice in my everyday life, i take notice of the natural elements around me (trees, wat
natviews i have views of nature (trees, lawns, gardens, water, etc.) when i am home
nataccess i have easy access to natural environments, such as public parks, gardens or tra
nattime usually, i spend time in natural environments, such as public parks, gardens or
natsat i am satisfied with my day to day experience of nature
Belief about Nature
natrelax natural environments are peaceful and relaxing
natactive natural environments are a good place for physical activity, such as walking, cy
natmeet natural environments are a good place to meet others from the local community
nattimeok i spend as much time as i would like in natural environments
natlack there is a lack of interesting activities in natural environments
numpets how many pets r's family has
whynopet reason why r's family has no pet
petb4 did r's family have a pet 5 years ago
dog dog
cat cat
smammal small mammal (rabbit, gerbil, hamster)
bird bird
fish fish
reptile reptile (turtle, snake, lizard)
horse horse
pig pig
goat goat
othpet other pet
petplay how often r spends time each day playing with or training pet
petcmfrt how often r seeks pet for comfort when feeling bad
petfam how often r considers pet member of family
dogb4 dog
catb4 cat
smammalb4 small mammal (rabbit, gerbil, hamster)
birdb4 bird
fishb4 fish
reptileb4 reptile (turtle, snake, lizard)
horseb4 horse
pigb4 pig
goatb4 goat
othpetb4 other pet
petb4ply how often r used to spend time each day playing with or training pet
petb4cmfrt how often r used to seek pet for comfort when feeling bad
petb4fam how often r considered pet member of family
extr2017 did r receive any performance-based incentives in 2017
wrkslffam does r work in family business or farm
buyesop does employee ownership matter when r thinks about buying from a company
esopnot would r rather work for a company with an esop or cash sharing
company which company would r prefer to work for
Knows Someone Mental Health Diagnosis
mhdiagno r knows someone who has been diagnosed with a mental health problem
Person R Acquainted With
knwbus does r know someone who is a bus driver?
knwexec does r know someone who is a executive at a large company?
knwclenr does r know someone who is a home or office cleaner?
knwcuttr does r know someone who is a hairdresser or barber?
knwhrman does r know someone who is a human resources or personnel manager?
knwlawyr does r know someone who is a lawyer?
knwmchnc does r know someone who is a car mechanic?
knwnurse does r know someone who is a nurse?
knwcop does r know someone who is a police officer?
knwtcher does r know someone who is a school teacher?
smallgap for a society to be fair, differences in people's standard of living should be s
govlazy the social benefits from the government make people lazy
partlsc in past 12 months, r has participated in orgs for sport, culture, leisure
partpart in past 12 months, r has participated in orgs for politics or political associat
partvol in past 12 months, r has participated in charitable or religious volunteer orgs
Social Networks
hlphome who r would first turn to if they needed help with a household or a garden job
hlpsick who r would first turn to if they needed help around the house if sick
hlpdown who r would first turn to if they needed help because they were feeling down or
hlpadvce who r would first turn to if they needed advice about family problems
hlpsococ who r would first turn to if they wanted to enjoy a pleasant social occasion
hlploan who r would first turn to if they needed to borrow large sums of money
hlpjob who r would first turn to if they needed help finding a job
hlppaper who r would first turn to if they needed help with admin or official paperwork
hlpresde who r would first turn to if they needed help finding a place tolive
hlpsickr who r would first turn to if they needed someone to look after them while seriou
lonely1 how often in the past 4 weeks r has felt they lack companionship
lonely2 how often in the past 4 weeks r has felt isolated from others
lonely3 how often in the past 4 weeks r has felt left out
trcourts how much trust r has in american courts
trbigbus how much trust r has in major private companies in america
Family Pressure
fampress do r family's members put pressure on r about the way r lives or organizes their
upset how often r's friends or family were angry with r
Sociability/Social Networks
dinefrds how often r went out to eat or drink with at least 3 non-family members
newfrds at these occasions, how often did r make new friends or acquaintences
conwkday number of people r contacts with on a typical weekday
conf2f how many people r sees face to face
cntctpar how often r contacts their most-contacted parent
cntctsib how often r contacts their most-contacted sibling
cntctkid how often r contacts their most-contacted adult child
cntctfam how often r contacts their most-contacted extended family member
cntctfrd how often r contacts their most-contacted close friend
intcntct how much of r's communication is via text, mobile phone, or internet
General Health
healthissp merged healthissp_d and healthissp_e
unhappy how often r was unhappy or depressed in past 4 weeks
pilingup how often r felt difficulty piling up in past 4 weeks
mygoals it is easy for r to accomplish their goals
satlife r is satisfied with their life
endsmeet how difficult or easy is it for r's household to make ends meet
numlangs how many languages does r speak well enough to hold a conversation in?
relscrpt r has read religious text outside of a service in the past year
relext3 religious extremists should be allowed to publish their views on the internet
relgeneq r's religion treats men and women equally
relgenbar religions are usually a barrier to equality between women and men
govvsrel governments should not interfere with the attempts of any religion to spread its
difrel people belonging to different religions cannot get along with each other when li
relpast in america, religion represents the past and not the future.
relrlvnt in america, religion is just as relevant to life today as it was in the past.
christns what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
muslims what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
hindus what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
buddhsts what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
jews what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
atheists what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
sexbirth what sex were you assigned at birth? (for example, on your birth certificate.)
sexnow what is your current gender?
maleornt interviewer coded male sexual orientation
Genetic Testing
geneself2 r would want genetic test done on fetus
geneabrt2 r would want to abort fetus if there were genetic defects
racethmn specify other in racethot
yearsusa lived in u.s., years:
mnthsusa lived in u.s., if less than one year months:
dwelown16 did rs family own or rent home when r was age 16