GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

Sequential Variable List

year gss year for this respondent
id respondent id number
Age, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
age age of respondent
sex respondents sex
race race of respondent
racecen1 what is r's race 1st mention
racecen2 what is r's race 2nd mention
racecen3 what is r's race 3rd mention
hispanic hispanic specified
ethnic country of family origin
eth1 1st mentioned country of origin
eth2 2nd mentioned country of origin
eth3 3rd mentioned country of origin
ethnum type of response about ethnicity:r
spethnic country of spouse's family origin
speth1 1st mentioned country of spouse's origin
speth2 2nd mentioned country of spouse's origin
speth3 3rd mentioned country of spouse's origin
spethnum type of response about ethnicity:sp
racesee observed race
racedbtf certainty of observed race
raceself r's own racial id
difrace1 why observation disagrees self id
difrace2 why observation disagrees self id
difrace3 why observation disagrees self id
uscitzn is r us citizen
fucitzn is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not
educ highest year of school completed
paeduc highest year school completed, father
maeduc highest year school completed, mother
speduc highest year school completed, spouse
degree r's highest degree
padeg father's highest degree
madeg mothers highest degree
spdeg spouse's highest degree
major1 college major 1
major2 college major 2
voedcol non-college postsecondary education (voednme1)
voedncol non-college postsecondary education (voednme2)
voednme1 postsecondary institution attended for credit
voednme2 postsecondary institution attended for credit
dipged diploma, ged, or other
spdipged spouse diploma, ged, or other
whenhs when received hs degree
whencol when received college degree
sector type of college respondent attended
spsector type of college spouse attended
spbarate rate of ba degree earning in college spouse attended
speftotlt total number of students enrolled in college spouse attended
spgradtounder ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students in college spouse attended
Happiness of Relationship with Partner
hapcohab happiness of relt with partner
Convicted of Crime, Jail/Prison
convictd convicted of crime ever
lockedup prison or jail ever
Military Service
vetyears years in armed forces
vetkind branch of service
Respondent and Spouse Work Week
workdy days r normally works
workhr hours r usually works
spdays days spouse normally works
sphour hours spouse usually works
Respondent's Dwelling
dwelling type of structure
dwelngh dwelling compared to others in nbrhd
dwelcity dwelling compared to others in city
dwelown does r own or rent home?
Word Association
worda word a
wordb word b
wordc word c
wordd word d
worde word e
wordf word f
wordg word g
wordh word h
wordi word i
wordj word j
wordsum number words correct in vocabulary test
R's Activities
godoc last week went to see a doctor?
eatout last week had a meal at a restaurant
seefilm last week went to see a film?
Religious Attendance and Identity
attrelig last week attended religious services?
numdays number of days attended religious services
sunday attended religious services last sunday
monday attended religious services last monday
tuesday attended religious services last tuesday
wednesdy attended religious services last wednesday
thursday attended religious services last thursday
friday attended religious services last friday
saturday attended religious services last saturday
attreg last 7 days attend a worship service
mediarel watch a religious program on television-radio?
othrel attend some other type of religious event
othrel1 what type of religious events or meetings
othrel2 what type of religious events or meetings
othrel3 what type of religious events or meetings
attweek attend religious events during the last week
religid r's religious identity
relid1 protestant identification 1st mention
relid2 protestant identification 2nd mention
relid3 protestant identification 3rd mention
relidbst protestant identification best group
cathid if catholic what identity
charisma is r associated with charismatic movement
relate1 relationship of 1st person to household head
gender1 gender of 1st person
old1 age of 1st person
mar1 marital status of 1st person
away1 is 1st person staying somewhere else now?
where1 where is 1st person staying?
2012 Core: Jewish Identity
jewaj what sort of jew r is
jew16aj what sort of jew r was at age 16
spjewaj what sort of jew is r's spouse currently
Respondent's Household Composition
relate2 relationship of 2nd person to household head
gender2 gender of 2nd person
old2 age of 2nd person
mar2 marital status of 2nd person
away2 is 2nd person staying somewhere else now?
where2 where is 2nd person staying?
relate3 relationship of 3rd person to household head
gender3 gender of 3rd person
old3 age of 3rd person
mar3 marital status of 3rd person
away3 is 3rd person staying somewhere else now?
where3 where is 3rd person staying?
relate4 relationship of 4th person to household head
gender4 gender of 4th person
old4 age of 4th person
mar4 marital status of 4th person
away4 is 4th person staying somewhere else now?
where4 where is 4th person staying?
relate5 relationship of 5th person to household head
gender5 gender of 5th person
old5 age of 5th person
mar5 marital status of 5th person
away5 is 5th person staying somewhere else now?
where5 where is 5th person staying?
relate6 relationship of 6th person to household head
gender6 gender of 6th person
old6 age of 6th person
mar6 marital status of 6th person
away6 is 6th person staying somewhere else now?
where6 where is 6th person staying?
relate7 relationship of 7th person to household head
gender7 gender of 7th person
old7 age of 7th person
mar7 marital status of 7th person
away7 is 7th person staying somewhere else now?
where7 where is 7th person staying?
relate8 relationship of 8th person to household head
gender8 gender of 8th person
old8 age of 8th person
mar8 marital status of 8th person
away8 is 8th person staying somewhere else now?
where8 where is 8th person staying?
relate9 relationship of 9th person to household head
gender9 gender of 9th person
old9 age of 9th person
mar9 marital status of 9th person
away9 is 9th person staying somewhere else now?
where9 where is 9th person staying?
relate10 relationship of 10th person to household head
gender10 gender of 10th person
old10 age of 1oth person
mar10 marital status of 10th person
away10 is 10th person staying somewhere else now?
where10 where is 1oth person staying?
relate11 relation of 11th person (visitor) to head
gender11 gender of 11th person (visitor)
old11 age of 11th person (visitor)
mar11 marital status of 11th person (visitor)
away11 is 11th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
where11 where is 11th person (visitor) staying?
relate12 relation of 12th person (visitor) to head
gender12 gender of 12th person (visitor)
old12 age of 12th person (visitor)
mar12 marital status of 12th person (visitor)
away12 is 12th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
where12 where is 12th person (visitor) staying?
relate13 relation of 13th person (visitor) to head
gender13 gender of 13th person (visitor)
old13 age of 13th person (visitor)
mar13 marital status of 13th person (visitor)
away13 is 13th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
where13 where is 13th person (visitor) staying?
relate14 relation of 14th person (visitor) to head
gender14 gender of 14th person (visitor)
old14 age of 14th person (visitor)
mar14 marital status of 14th person (visitor)
away14 is 14th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
where14 where is 14th person (visitor) staying?
relhhd1 relation of 1st person to household head
relhhd2 relation of 2nd person to household head
relhhd3 relation of 3rd person to household head
relhhd4 relation of 4th person to household head
relhhd5 relation of 5th person to household head
relhhd6 relation of 6th person to household head
relhhd7 relation of 7th person to household head
relhhd8 relation of 8th person to household head
relhhd9 relation of 9th person to household head
relhhd10 relation of 1oth person to household head
relhhd11 relation of 11th person (visitor) to head
relhhd12 relation of 12th person (visitor) to head
relhhd13 relation of 13th person (visitor) to head
relhhd14 relation of 14th person (visitor) to head
hefinfo number of hef informant
hhrace race of household
respnum number in family of r
hhtype household type
hhtype1 household type (condensed)
famgen number of family generations in household
rplace r's relationship to household head
rvisitor is r a visitor?
visitors number of visitor's in household
relhh1 relationship of person 1 to head of household
relhh2 relationship of person 2 to head of household
relhh3 relationship of person 3 to head of household
relhh4 relationship of person 4 to head of household
relhh5 relationship of person 5 to head of household
relhh6 relationship of person 6 to head of household
relhh7 relationship of person 7 to head of household
relhh8 relationship of person 8 to head of household
relhh9 relationship of person 9 to head of household
relhh10 relationship of person 10 to head of household
relhh11 relationship of person 11 to head of household
relhh12 relationship of person 12 to head of household
relhh13 relationship of person 13 to head of household
relhh14 relationship of person 14 to head of household
relsp1 relationship of person 1 to spouse of househol
relsp2 relationship of person 2 to spouse of househol
relsp3 relationship of person 3 to spouse of househol
relsp4 relationship of person 4 to spouse of househol
relsp5 relationship of person 5 to spouse of househol
relsp6 relationship of person 6 to spouse of househol
relsp7 relationship of person 7 to spouse of househol
relsp8 relationship of person 8 to spouse of househol
relsp9 relationship of person 9 to spouse of househol
relsp10 relationship of person 10 to spouse of househo
relsp11 relationship of person 11 to spouse of househo
relsp12 relationship of person 12 to spouse of househo
relsp13 relationship of person 13 to spouse of househo
relsp14 relationship of person 14 to spouse of househo
dateintv date of interview
Socio-Economic and Status Indicators
isco68 respondent's occupation, 1970 census
paisco68 r's father's occupation, 1970 census
spisco68 r's spouse's occupation, 1970 census
isco681 respondent's occupation, 1980 census
paisc681 r's father's occupation, 1980 census
maisc681 r's mothers occupation, 1980 census
spisc681 r's spouse's occupation, 1980 census
isco88 respondent's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
paisco88 r's father's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
maisco88 r's mothers occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
spisco88 r's spouse's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
spisco08 r's mothers occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
sei respondent socioeconomic index (1980)
firstsei r's socioeconomic index of 1st occupation (1980)
sei10 r's socioeconomic index (2010)
sei10educ percentage of some college educ in occ10 based on acs 2010
sei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in occ10 based on acs 2010
pasei r's father's socioeconomic index (1980)
masei r's mothers socioeconomic index (1980)
spsei r's spouse's socioeconomic index (1980)
spsei10 r's spouse's socioeconomic index (2010)
spsei10educ percentage of some college educ in spocc10 based on acs 2010
spsei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in spocc10 based on acs 2010
isco08 respondent's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
indstatus indus10 coding status
indtag indus10 coding tag
occindv r's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
occstatus occ10 coding status
occtag occ10 coding tag
prestg10 r's occupational prestige score (2010)
prestg105plus r's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
Other Respondent Background Variables
cohort year of birth
marcohrt year of first marriage
zodiac respondents astrological sign
Marital Status
marital marital status
agewed age when first married
divorce ever been divorced or separated
widowed ever been widowed
Respondent's Employment
wrkstat labor force status
hrs1 number of hours worked last week
hrs2 number of hours usually work a week
evwork ever work as long as one year
occ r's census occupation code (1970)
prestige r's occupational prestige score(1970)
wrkslf r self-emp or works for somebody
wrkgovt govt or private employee
commute travel time to work
industry r's industry code (1970)
occ80 r's census occupation code (1980)
prestg80 r's occupational prestige score(1980)
indus80 r's industry code (1980)
indus07 industry code based on naics 2007
occonet occupation code based on o*net
occ10 r's census occupation code (2010)
indus10 r's industry code (naics 2007)
Spouse's Employment
spwrksta spouse labor force status
sphrs1 number of hrs spouse worked last week
sphrs2 no. of hrs spouse usually works a week
spevwork spouse ever work as long as a year
spocc spouse census occupation code (1970)
spocc80 spouse census occupation code (1980)
spocc10 spouse census occupation code (2010)
spoccindv spouse's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
spoccstatus spocc10 coding status
spocctag spocc10 coding tag
sppres spouse's occupational prestige score (1970)
sppres80 spouse's occupational prestige score (1980)
sppres10 spouse occupational prestige score (2010)
sppres105plus spouse occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
spwrkslf spouse self-emp. or works for somebody
spind spouse's industry code (1970)
spind80 spouse's industry code (1980)
spind10 spouse's industry code (naics 2007)
spindstatus spind10 coding status
spindtag spind10 coding tag
Father's Employment
paocc16 father's census occupation code (1970)
papres16 father's occupational prestige score (1970)
pawrkslf father self-emp. or worked for somebody
paind16 father's industry code (1970)
paocc80 father's census occupation code (1980)
papres80 father's occupational prestige score (1980)
paind80 father's industry code (1980)
paocc10 father's census occupation code (2010)
paind10 father's industry code (naics 2007)
paindstatus paind10 coding status
paindtag paind10 coding tag
paisco08 r's father's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
paoccindv father's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
paoccstatus paocc10 coding status
paocctag paocc10 coding tag
papres10 father's occupational prestige score (2010)
papres105plus father's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
pasei10 r's father's socioeconomic index (2010)
pasei10educ percentage of some college educ in paocc10 based on acs 2010
pasei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in paocc10 based on acs 2010
Mother's Employment
maocc80 mothers census occupation code (1980)
mapres80 mothers occupational prestige score (1980)
mawrkslf mother self-emp. or worked for somebody
maind80 mothers industry code (1980)
maocc10 mothers census occupation code (2010)
maind10 mothers industry code (naics 2007)
maindstatus maind10 coding status
maindtag maind10 coding tag
maisco08 r's spouse's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
maoccindv mothers occ/ind verbatim retrieved
maoccstatus maocc10 coding status
maocctag maocc10 coding tag
mapres10 mothers occupational prestige score (2010)
mapres105plus mothers occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
marcohab cohabitation status
masei10 r's mother's socioeconomic index (2010)
masei10educ percentage of some college educ in maocc10 based on acs 2010
masei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in maocc10 based on acs 2010
Family Composition
sibs number of brothers and sisters
childs number of children
agekdbrn r's age when 1st child born
Respondent's Background and Childhood
res16 type of place lived in when 16 yrs old
reg16 region of residence, age 16
mobile16 geographic mobility since age 16
family16 living with parents when 16 yrs old
famdif16 reason not living with parents
famdif16y which of the following best describes your situation?
mawork mothers employment since marriage
mawkbaby mothers employment before first grade
mawkborn mothers employment after r was born
mawk16 mothers employment when r growing up
mawrkgrw mothers employment when r was 16
incom16 r's family income when 16 yrs old
born was r born in this country
parborn were r's parents born in this country
granborn how many grandparents born outside u.s.
Respondent's Current Household Composition
hompop number of persons in household
babies household members less than 6 yrs old
preteen household members 6 thru 12 yrs old
teens household members 13 thru 17 yrs old
adults household members 18 yrs and older
unrelat number in household not related
earnrs how many in family earned money
income total family income
rincome respondents income
coninc family income in constant dollars
conrinc respondent income in constant dollars
income72 total family income
income77 total family income
rincom77 respondents income
income82 total family income
rincom82 respondents income
income86 total family income
rincom86 respondents income
income91 total family income
rincom91 respondents income
income98 total family income
rincom98 respondents income
income06 total family income
rincom06 respondents income
income16 total family income
rincom16 respondents income
weekswrk weeks r worked last year
partfull was r's work part-time or full-time?
Demographic Variables
region region of interview
xnorcsiz expanded norc size code
srcbelt src beltcode
size size of place in 1000s
Respondent's Occupational Indices (Dot Codes)
dotdata d.o.t. code - relation to data
dotpeop d.o.t. code - relation to people
dotthng d.o.t. code - relation to things
dotged d.o.t. code - general educ develop.
dotsvp d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prep
dotpres temme prestige scale
Spouse's Occupational Indices
spdotdat sp. d.o.t. code - relation to data
spdotpeo sp. d.o.t. code - relation to people
spdotthn sp. d.o.t. code - relation to things
spdotged sp. d.o.t. code - general educ develop.
spdotsvp sp. d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prep
spdotpre sp. temme prestige scale
Father's Occupational Indices
padotdat fa. d.o.t. code - relation to data
padotpeo fa. d.o.t. code - relation to people
padotthn fa. d.o.t. code - relation to things
padotged fa. d.o.t. code - general educ develop.
padotsvp fa. d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prep
padotpre fa. temme prestige scale