GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

abany abortion if woman wants for any reason
abanyg abortion if woman wants for any reason (grid on web)
abcare how concerned is r about abortion
abchoose should a woman get an abortion for any reason
abcon1 1st argument against abortion
abcon2 2nd argument against abortion
abcon3 3rd argument against abortion
abdefct1 law should allow abortion for birth defects
abdefctw wrong for woman to get abortion for birth defects
abdefect strong chance of serious defect
abdefectg strong chance of serious defect (grid on web)
abfelegl women only: women should be able to have legal abortions
abfirm how firm is r's opinion on abortion
abhave1 have abortion if probable defect
abhave2 have abortion if health endangered
abhave3 have abortion if couldn't afford child
abhelp1 r would help with arrangements for abortion
abhelp2 r would help with paying for abortion
abhelp3 r would help with paying for abortion-related other costs
abhelp4 r would help with emotional support for abortion
abhlth woman's health seriously endangered
abhlthg woman's health seriously endangered (grid on web)
abimp importance of abortion issue to r
abinfo how much info does r have on abortion
abinspay should people be able to use health insurance for abortion - ver y
ablegal should abortion ever be legal
abmedgov1 woman and doctor or govt should decide what info needed for abortion - ver x
abmedgov2 woman and doctor or govt should decide what info needed for childbirth - ver y
abmelegl men only: women should be able to have legal abortions
abmoral r has a moral opposition to abortion
abnomore married--wants no more children
abnomoreg married--wants no more children (grid on web)
aborct heard supreme court decision on abortion
abort12 past 12 months r web to learn abortion
abpoor low income--cant afford more children
abpoor1 law should allow abortion if family low income
abpoorg low income--cant afford more children (grid on web)
abpoorw wrong for woman to get abortion if low income?
abpro1 1st argument for abortion
abpro2 2nd argument for abortion
abpro3 3rd argument for abortion
abrape pregnant as result of rape
abrapeg pregnant as result of rape (grid on web)
abroad how long have you lived in other countries?
absent how many days absent from work past 6 month
absingle not married
absingleg not married (grid on web)
abspno abortion if husband opposes
abstate1 difficulty of obtaining abortion in r's state
abstate2 change abortion laws in r's state to make it easier or harder to get an abortion
accntsci how scientific: accounting
accptoth r accept others even when they do things wrong
acqasian number of asian r is acquainted with
acqattnd number of regular church attendee r is acquainted with
acqblack number of black r is acquainted with
acqbrnda number of brenda r is acquainted with
acqchild number of child care worker r is acquainted with
acqcohab number of cohabiting pplr is acquainted with
acqcon number of strong conservative r is acquainted with
acqcops number of police officer r is acquainted with
acqdems number of democrat r is acquainted with
acqelecs number of electrician r is acquainted with
acqfmasn number of asian family member
acqfmblk number of black family member
acqfmcoh number of cohabiting family member
acqfmcon number of conservative in family member
acqfmgay number of gay family member
acqfmgo number of family member going church regularly
acqfmhme number of family member owning second home
acqfmhsp number of hispanic family member
acqfmlib number of liberal in family member
acqfmlin number of family member named linda
acqfmmrk number of family member named mark
acqfmno number of family member not going church
acqfmpri number of family member in prison
acqfmune number of unemployed family member
acqfmwht number of white family member
acqgay number of gay r is acquainted with
acqgoatt number of regular church attendee r is acquainted with
acqhisp number of hispanic r is acquainted with
acqhome number of ppl owning second home r is acquainted with
acqjans number of janitor r is acquainted with
acqjose number of jose r is acquainted with
acqkaren number of karen r is acquainted with
acqkeith number of keith r is acquainted with
acqkevin number of kevin r is acquainted with
acqlaws number of lawyer r is acquainted with
acqlib number of strong liberal r is acquainted with
acqlinda number of linda r is acquainted with
acqmaria number of maria r is acquainted with
acqmark number of mark r is acquainted with
acqmils number of ppl in military service r is acquainted with
acqmyrac proportion of same race as r among all acquaintances
acqnhasn number of asian in neighborhood
acqnhblk number of black in neighborhood
acqnhcoh number of cohabiting ppl in neighborhood
acqnhcon number of conservative in neighborhood
acqnhgay number of gay in neighborhood
acqnhgo number of regular church attendee in neighborhood
acqnhhme number of ppl owning second home in neighborhood
acqnhhsp number of hispanic in neighborhood
acqnhlib number of liberal in neighborhood
acqnhlin number of linda in neighborhood
acqnhmrk number of mark in neighborhood
acqnhno number of non church attendee in neighborhood
acqnhpri number of ppl in prison in neighborhood
acqnhune number of ppl unemployed in neighborhood
acqnhwht number of white in neighborhood
acqnoatt number of non church attendee r is acquainted with
acqntsex r had sex with acquaintance last year
acqprisn number of ppl in prison r is acquainted with
acqrachl number of rachel r is acquainted with
acqreps number of republican r is acquainted with
acqshawn number of shawn r is acquainted with
acqsocs number of social worker r is acquainted with
acqunemp number of ppl currently unemployed r is acquainted with
acqvaasn number of asian in voluntary association
acqvablk number of black in voluntary association
acqvacoh number of cohabiting ppl in voluntary association
acqvacon number of conservative in voluntary association
acqvagay number of gay in voluntary association
acqvago number of regular church attendee in voluntary association
acqvahme number of ppl owning second home in voluntary association
acqvahsp number of hispanic in voluntary association
acqvalib number of liberal in voluntary association
acqvalin number of linda in voluntary association
acqvamrk number of mark in voluntary association
acqvano number of non church attendee in voluntary association
acqvapri number of ppl in prison in voluntary association
acqvaune number of unemployed ppl in voluntary association
acqvawht number of white in voluntary association
acqwhite number of white r is acquainted with
acqwkasn number of asian in current or previous work
acqwkblk number of black in current or previous work
acqwkcoh number of cohabiting ppl in current or previous work
acqwkcon number of strong conservative in current or previous work
acqwkgay number of gay in current or previous work
acqwkgo number of regular church attendee in current or previous work
acqwkhme number of ppl owning second home in current or previous work
acqwkhsp number of hispanic in current or previous work
acqwklib number of strong liberal in current or previous work
acqwklin number of linda in current or previous work
acqwkmrk number of mark in current or previous work
acqwkno number of non church attendee in current or previous work
acqwkpri number of ppl in prison in current or previous work
acqwkune number of ppl unemployed in current or previous work
acqwkwht number of white in current or previous work
actassoc how important to be active on soc or pol association
actchurh r active in church group
actfarm r active in farm organization
actfrat r active in fraternal group
actgreek r active in school fraternity
acthobby r active in hobby club
activnat outside leisure activity in the past 12 months
actlaw how likely r to do something if unjust law being cons
actlit r active in literary or art group
actnat r active in nationality group
actother r active in any other group
actpolit r active in political club
actprof r active in professional society
actschl r active in school service
actserv r active in service group
actsport r active in sports club
actssoc how well r carries out usual social activities
actunion r active in labor union
actupset ppl at work throw things when upset with r
actvet r active in veteran group
actyouth r active in youth group
adcou would r go to counselor if child was r's
adcoumed would r have child on med by counselor's advice
addoc would go to a medical doctor if he was r's child
addocmed would have child be on med by docs advice
adfam would r get advice from family if child was r's
adfammed would r have child be on medication by fam advice
adforjob advertised for a job in newspaper's
adhdcon children should be given counseling for adhd
adhdknow what does r know about adhd
adhdknw what does r know about adhd (verbatim)
adhdmed children should be given medication to treat adhd
adhdreal is adhd a real disease
adhos would r check child into a hospital if was r's
adhosmed would r have child be on med by hospital staff
adminconsent consent to possible data linkage
admirblk r express admiration for blacks
adoption best way to match birth mothers with adopters?
adoptkid have ever legally adopted a child
adpsy would r go to a psychiatrist if child was r's
adpsymed would r have child on med by psychiatrists ad
adtch would r get advice from teachers child if was r's
adtchmed would have child be on med by teachers advice
adults household members 18 yrs and older
advances have you advanced, same level or lost
advantge other ppl will take advantage of r if not careful
advcfrnd r can ask close friend software help
advchld r can ask son or daughter for software help
advcowrk r can ask coworker software help
advfam r can ask other family members software help
advfmsci all of the greatest advances for humanity have come from science and technology
advfront sci rsch is necessary and should be supported by federal govt
advisor1 person #1 is r's advisor
advisor2 person #2 is r's advisor
advisor3 person #3 is r's advisor
advisor4 person #4 is r's advisor
advisor5 person #5 is r's advisor
advlib r can ask librarian software help
advofrnd r can ask acquaintance software help
advpar r can ask parent for software help
advsched how far in advance do you schedule work
advsib r can ask sibling or sibling partner software h
advsp r can ask spouse or partner for software help
advsrch how familiar r is with term advanced search
advstu r can ask other student software help
advsup r can ask work supervisor software help
advtchr r can ask teacher software help
afailure i am inclined to feel i am a failure
affact r's firm has aff. action program
affctlaw how likely congress give serious attention to r's demands
affrmact favor preference in hiring blacks
afraidof people act as if they are afraid of r
afterlif belief in life after death
agape1 would suffer than let the one r love suffer
agape2 not happy unless the one s happiness is before r
agape3 willing to sacrifice wish to let the one achieve
agape4 would endure all things for the one r love
age age of respondent
age1 age of person #1
age2 age of person #2
age3 age of person #3
age4 age of person #4
age5 age of person #5
agecmeus if born outside usa, what age were you when you permanently moved to usa
aged should aged live with their children
agedchld should grown children live with parents
agednv should aged live with their children (no volunteered response on web)
agedpar should aged live with their children
agedv should aged live with their children (with volunteered response on web)
ageemp importance of age to pay
agekdbrn r's age when 1st child born
agerborn age of r at born-again experience
agerelex age of r at religious experience
agewed age when first married
agewedcr r's age at current marriage
aidavg gov $ for stdnts with avg inc and grades
aidcol gov. should assist low-income college student
aidhouse gov. should provide housing to poor
aidindus govts resp: assist industrial growth
aidkids govts resp provide childcare
aidneedy govt money for low income students
aidold govts resp: provide for the elderly
aidsads have govt info pgm on safe sex practices
aidsage age of aids victim closest to r
aidsage2 age of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidsage3 age of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidscndm condom can reduce aids
aidsdead has aids victim closest to r died
aidsded2 has aids victim 2nd closest to r died
aidsded3 has aids victim 3rd closest to r died
aidsfare pay aids victims disability benefits
aidshlth have govt pay for all aids health care
aidsids require aids victims to wear id tags
aidsinsr allow insurer's to test applicant for aids
aidsknow #people r knows infected with aids
aidslook a health-look person may have aids
aidsmar have testing for aids before marriage
aidsmart govt money for high achieving students
aidsrac2 race of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidsrac3 race of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidsrace race of aids victim closest to r
aidsreg region of aids victim closest to r
aidsreg2 region of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidsreg3 region of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidssch prohibit aids-students at public schools
aidssex sex of aids victim closest to r
aidssex2 sex of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidssex3 sex of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidssxed public schools teach safe sex practices
aidswho r's relationship to closest aids victim
aidswho2 r's relation. to 2nd closest aids victim
aidswho3 r's relat. to 3rd closest aids victim to r
aidunemp govts resp: provide for the unemployed
aimofart aim of art
airpollu neighborhood affected by air pollution over the last 12 months
alienat1 people running country don't care
alienat2 rich get richer, poor poorer
alienat3 what you think doesn't count
alienat4 you're left out of things
alienat5 powerful people take advantage of you
alienat6 people in wash d.c. are out of touch
alike1 how alike: orange & banana
alike2 how alike: dog & lion
alike3 how alike: eye & ear
alike4 how alike: egg & seed
alike5 how alike: table & chair
alike6 how alike: work & play
alike7 how alike: fly & tree
alike8 how alike: praise & punishment
allben everyone benefit from traditional family
allergic situation caused by food or chemical allergies
allhrt everyone hurt from traditional family
alloflfe experience connection to all of life
allowcom allow communist to speak
allowmar allow racial intermarriage
allowrac allow racist to speak
amancstr how important to have american ancestry
ambetter agree america is a better country
ambornin how important to have been born in america
amchrstn how important to be a christian
amcit how important to have american citizenship
amcitizn agree i would rather be a citizen of america
amcult it is impossible to become fully american
amenglsh how important to be able to speak english
amfeel how important to feel american
amgovt how important to respect america's laws etc
amicable gets along well with other children
amicably gets along with other children-version y
amicablz gets along with other children-version z
amimp how important is being an american to you
amissue degree r invokes just american identity
amissue1 degree r invokes primary identity as american
amlived how important to have lived in america for life
amownway america should follow its own interests
amprogrn american doing enough to protect environment
amproud r pride in being american
amproud1 how proud being american
amrank american quality of life vs other indus. nations
amshamed agree there are things make me ashamed
amsports agree sports makes me proud to be an american
amtv tv should give preference to american films
ancestrs believe in supernatural power of deceased ancestors
angrlast how long did your anger last?
angry felt angry at someone?
angryev was an event recalled?
angryfam last time r felt really angry
angrygvt last time r felt really angry
angrywhy last time r felt really angry
angrywrk last time r felt really angry
anheat which bodily features be best suited to a small animal living in a cold climate
anomia1 next to health, money is most important
anomia2 wonder if anything is worthwhile
anomia3 no right & wrong ways to make money
anomia4 live only for today
anomia5 lot of the average man getting worse
anomia6 not fair to bring child into world
anomia7 officials not interested in average man
anomia8 don't know whom to trust
anomia9 most don't care what happens to others
anrights animals have rights too
anscitst scientists shld be allowed to do research animals' pain & injury
antests ok to test on animals to save humans
antirel anti-religious material should be banned
antiwar anti-war demonstration
anxious felt anxious and tense?
anydoc can choose any doctor i like
appemps applied directly to employers
architct how scientific is architecture
arrest ever picked up or charged by police
art30 r use art site in past 30 days
artatt attended exhibit alone or with others
artatt1 attended with spouse or partner
artatt2 attended with child
artatt3 attended with friend
artatt4 attended with relative
artatt5 attended with other
artcost did not go due to cost
artexbt did r go to an art exhibit in last 12 months
artfree was exhibit attended free
artgn r obtain information on art exhibit past year
artgod thru art and music we come closer to god
artgst did not go because couldn't find anyone to go with
arthrtis told have arthritis or rheumatism
artinfo use web to find info about artists
artint did not go since not of interest
artists excellent artists able support themselves
artloc did not want to go to that location
artmostoth most imp factor in not attending art exhibit
artmus1 use web to learn about upcoming exhibits
artmus2 use web to learn about existing exhibits
artmus3 visit museum after learning on web
artothr other reason why did not go
artschat use chatrooms about arts
artschng web change mind about arts on web
artseals effect of global warming: arctic seals are threatened
artshr how many hours at arts websites
artsmin how many minutes at arts websites
artsnew r learn something new on web about arts
arttime did not go due to lack of time
arttrvl did not go because too dificult to get there
artview use web to look at art works
artwhy1 imp of low cost in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy2 imp of wanting to experience high quality art in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy3 imp of wanting to socialize with friends or fam in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy4 imp of wanting to celebrate cultural heritage in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy5 imp of wanting to support community in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy6 imp of wanting to learn in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy7 imp of location in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy8 was there another major reason in decision to attend exhibit
artwhy9 other major reason in decision to attend
ashamed felt ashamed of something you'd done?
askcomp govt investigate use of computers
askcrime govt investigate workers crime records
askdrink govt investigate workers alcohol use
askdrugs govt investigate workers illegal drug use
askelse r asked someone else for help
askfinan govt investigate workers finances for security
askforgn govt investigate workers foreign family
askfrbiz govt investigate foreign business contacts
askfrtrv govt investigate foreign travel
askhelp asked relatives friends colleagues to help
askmentl govt investigate workers mental health
askother has r asked someone else for help with software
asksexor govt investigate workers sexual orientation
askwksch r figured out problems with web on own
askwork has r asked someone at work for help with software
asnchng percentage change population of asians in 25 yr
asncls does r feel close to asians
asncom does r know asians from community
asngovt do asian-americans get proper govt attention
asnhouse asians discriminated in housing
asnjobs asians discriminated in jobs
asnrel does r know asians as relative
asnschl does r know asians from school
asnwrk does r know asians from work
astrolgy ever read a horoscope or personal astrology report
astrosci astrology is scientific
atease felt at ease?
atheists what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
athletic r is an athletic person
attend how often r attends religious services
attend12 freq of r's relig svc attendance at age 12
attendma freq of r's mom's relig svc attendance
attendpa freq of r's dad's relig svc attendance
attndgrp has r attended group conferences
attractd at what age were you first sexually attracted to same sex
attrally attended a political meeting or rally
attreg last 7 days attend a worship service
attrelig last week attended religious services?
attsprts attended sports event in lst yr
attweek attend religious events during the last week
automatn my job is controlled by my machine
autonojb r heard of persons in r's firm having jobs replaced by computers
autorace attended auto race in lst yr
avoidbuy boycotted products for pol reasons
avoidmh r changed shopping place due to presence of mentally ill ppl
away1 is 1st person staying somewhere else now?
away10 is 10th person staying somewhere else now?
away11 is 11th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
away12 is 12th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
away13 is 13th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
away14 is 14th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?
away2 is 2nd person staying somewhere else now?
away3 is 3rd person staying somewhere else now?
away4 is 4th person staying somewhere else now?
away5 is 5th person staying somewhere else now?
away6 is 6th person staying somewhere else now?
away7 is 7th person staying somewhere else now?
away8 is 8th person staying somewhere else now?
away9 is 9th person staying somewhere else now?
babies household members less than 6 yrs old
backpain r had back pain in the past 12 months
badbrks most of my problems are due to bad breaks.
badchar situation caused by own bad character
ballot ballot used for interview
balneg sci research is strongly in favor of harmful results
balpos sci research is strongly in favor of benefits
balwkfam how successful balancing work & family
barate rate of ba degree earning in college respondent attended
baseofop you have base of operations
beausprt spiritually touched by beauty creation
befair how often do you think people take advantage
believe importance of believing in god w o doubt
belikeus agree better if people were more like americans
beltup govt should require use of seat belts
belvedoc r believe what doctor said
beplesnt i try to be pleasant so not to upset oth.
bestfrd number of other close friends
betrlang which language r speaks more fluent
bettrlfe science makes our lives better
bettrown situation will improve on its own
biblauth bible is highest authority
bible feelings about the bible
bible1 describe your feelings about the bible
biblenv feelings about the bible (no volunteered response on web)
biblev feelings about the bible (with volunteered response on web)
bibley feelings about the bible:version z
big5a1 r see oneself as someone who is reserved
big5a2 r see oneself as someone who is sociable
big5b1 r see oneself as someone who is generally trusted
big5b2 r see oneself as someone who tends to find fault with others
big5c1 r see oneself as someone who does a thorough job
big5c2 r see oneself as someone who tends to be lazy
big5d1 r see oneself as someone who is relaxed
big5d2 r see oneself as someone who gets nervous easily
big5e1 r see oneself as someone who has an active imagination
big5e2 r see oneself as someone who has few artistic interests
bigband like or dislike bigband music
bigbang sci knowledge: the universe began with a huge explosion
bigbang1 universe began with a big explosion: true or false
bigbang2 universe expanding since it began: true or false
bilinged support or oppose bilingual education
biosci how scientific: biology
bird bird
birdb4 bird
bizbstgm best policy on gmf vs narrow interest: business leader
bizbstgw best policy vs narrow interest: business leader
bizbstnk business leaders best for country
bizbsttx best policy vs narrow interest on fed inc tax: business leader
bizgross business revenue last year
bizinfgm influence on restricting gmf by business leaders
bizinfgw influence on global warming policy: business leader
bizinfnk business leaders how much influence
bizinftx influence on reducing fed inc taxby business leaders
biznuke how well business leader know risk by nuclear power
bizpeop business people do more for environment
bizshare percentage ownership r holds
blessngs feel thankful for r's blessings
blkchng percentage change population of blacks in 25 yr
blkcls does r feel close to blacks
blkcol give college aid to blacks
blkcom does r know blacks from community
blkgains best way for blacks to improve position
blkgovt do blacks get proper govt attention
blkhouse blacks discriminated in housing
blkinflu opinion of political influence of blacks
blkjobs blacks discriminated in jobs
blkrel does r know blacks as relative
blkschl does r know blacks from school
blkschs spend more on black schools
blksimp have conditions for blacks improved
blkwhite r agrees right & wrong not black & white
blkwrk does r know blacks from work
blkzone tax breaks for black areas
blnumok number of blacks in military
blnumoky number of blacks in military-version y
blues like or dislike blues or r and b music
blugrass like or dislike bluegrass music
bmitzvah r had bar or bat mitzvah when r was a child
boardrep workers should be represented on the board of directors at major companies
bookmark how often r uses bookmarks
books16 books in home of r age 16
bored how often does r have extra time
boredom how often is r bored at work
born was r born in this country
bornhome what kind of house r's family lived at birth
bornsp in what country were you born
borrow1 borrow money #1
borrow1a who does r turn to first when large money needed
borrow2 borrow money #2
borrow2a who does r turn to second when large money needed
borrowed have you borrowed $100+ from another person
bossemps quality of mgmnt-employee rels: r's firm
bosswrks management & workers always in conflict
boycott have ever boycotted a product past 5 years
boyorgrl sci knowledge: father gene decides sex of baby
brass women in command of military bases
brazil liking for brazil
breakdwn how likely x is experiencing nervous breakdown
bribe does r see public official asking for a bribe in last five years
brkdas1 1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, asserted
brkdas2 2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, asserted
brkddo1 1st mention what r did when felt ner. break
brkddo2 2nd mention what r did when felt ner. break
brkddo3 3rd mention what r did when felt ner. break
brkddur duration, severity of nervous breakdown feelings
brkdhlp1 1st mention what help r sought
brkdhlp2 2nd mention what help r sought
brkdhlp3 3rd mention what help r sought
brkdimp1 1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputed
brkdimp2 2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputed
brkdimp3 3rd mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputed
brkdoth what nervous breakdown is, other codes
brkdsym1 1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptoms
brkdsym2 2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptoms
brkdsym3 3rd mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptoms
brkdtime when feelings of nervous breakdown happened
brkdwhy1 1st mention cause of ner. break feelings
brkdwhy2 2nd mention cause of ner. break feelings
brkdwhy3 3rd mention cause of ner. break feelings
brlawfl do private companies comply with regulations
brnotax do private companies avoid taxes
brocall contact with brother
bronum number of adult brothers
brotime travel time to brother
brovisit how often visit brother
browser1 r knows what an internet web browser is
browser2 can r give the name of a web browser
browser3 r specify name of web browser
bstcall how often does r call best friend
bstvisit how often does r visit best friend
bthgrp1a what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp1b what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp1c what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp1d what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp1e what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp1f what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp2a what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp2b what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp2c what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp2d what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp2e what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp2f what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp3a what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp3b what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp3c what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp3d what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp3e what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp3f what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp4a what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp4b what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp4c what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp4d what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp4e what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp4f what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp5a what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp5b what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp5c what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp5d what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp5e what are the groups you both belong to?
bthgrp5f what are the groups you both belong to?
buddhsts what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
bugging people with secret should be subject to wiretapping
burglr home broken into during the last year
busdecid govt should let biz decide how to protect envir
buseqinc pay difference in companies
busgrn u.s. business to protect environment
busing attitude toward racial busing
busing10 favor busing 10 yrs ago
buspow power of business and industry
bustax amount of tax on business and industry
buyauto would you buy a car from a business
buybed would you buy furniture from a business
buyesop does employee ownership matter when r thinks about buying from a company
buyfixes would you buy home maintenance from a business
buyhome would you buy a house from a business
buyinf12 r use web for product information in past 12 mo
buyinfgn r sought information purchase past year
buyit12 r use web to purchase products in past 12 month
buylaw would you buy legal svcs from a business
buypol how important to choose products for pol reasons
buythngs who has final say about buying things for home
buyvalue percent of company stock r bought from own money
bwfriend friends black or white
byemail how many people send email
byemprob how many friends discuss problems via email
byphone how many people talk to on phone
callcomp has r called software company for help
calm felt calm?
camping went camping in lst yr
camwrk govt camera surveillance at work
canada liking for canada
caninf1 would use search engine for information on candidate
caninf10 would go to portal site for information on candidate
caninf11 would go to govt site for information on candid
caninf12 would refuse to answer not sure don't know
caninf13 does r mentioned any specific url?
caninf14 first site mentioned
caninf2 would use category directory information on can
caninf3 would use bookmark for information on candidate
caninf4 would guess or type site name for information o
caninf5 would seek advice for information on candidate
caninf6 would use chat group for information on candida
caninf7 would go to candidate site for information on c
caninf8 would go to politics site for information on ca
caninf9 would go to news site for information on candid
cantrust people can be trusted or cant be too careful
capfirm how firm is r's opinion of death penalty
capimp importance of death penalty issue to r
capinfo how much info r has on death penalty
cappun favor or oppose death penalty for murder
cappun2 does r favor capital punishment
carbuy1 what was the most important reason?
carbuya r's own previous knowledge made r buy
carbuyb a friend or relative recommended r buy
carbuyc an acquaintance recommended r buy
carbuyd general reputation made r buy
carbuye r saw their advertisement
carbuyf r searched for the best price
carbuyg convenience made r buy
cardealr purchased a car from a dealership past 5 yrs?
cardo what would you do in this situation
carecost who should pay for costs of care for under school age child
caregrp how committed to group is r
caremost most concerned possible effect of global warming
careprov who should provide childcare for under school age child
careself those in need have to take care of themselves
caresick who in household cares for sick in family
caresik1 who in household cares for sick in family
carhr car trip in the past 12 months
carprivt have you purchased a used car past 5 yrs?
carried r carried a stranger's belongings
carright what your friend has a right to expect from you
carsfam car pollution danger to my family
carsgen car pollution danger to envir
carsten car pollution will increase in next 10 yrs
cat cat
catb4 cat
catdrcty how often r uses web directories
cathid if catholic what identity
cathsch children attend catholic school
cathtemp feeling thermometer:catholics
cctv civil liberties - video surveillance
cesd1 how much time felt depressed in past wk
cesd2 how much time sleep was restless in past wk
cesd3 how much time felt happy in past wk
cesd4 how much time felt lonely in past wk
cesd5 how much time felt sad in past wk
change1 help regarding important change #1
change2 help regarding important change #2
changed1 life changes from religious change1
changed2 life changes from religious change2
changed3 life changes from religious change3
charactr how likely x s situation caused by bad character
charisma is r associated with charismatic movement
chat12 r use web for chatrooms in past 12 months
chathr chatroom hours per week
chatmin chatroom minutes per week
chembal situation by a chemical imbalance in the brain
chemfam pesticides danger to my family
chemfree buy pesticide free fruits, vegetables
chemgen pesticides danger to envir
chemgen1 pesticides danger to envir
child1 person #1 is r's child
child2 person #2 is r's child
child3 person #3 is r's child
child4 person #4 is r's child
child5 person #5 is r's child
children children's lives improved
childs number of children
china liking for china
chkfinan government should verify financial assets
chkonjob people with secret should be subject to monitoring
chkother people with secret should be subject to monitoring of
chkspfin government should verify spouse's financial assets
chktaxes government should verify tax records
chktravl govt check international travel records
chldben children benefit from traditional family
chldcare should families get benefits if both parents work
chlddth death of child
chldeduc education improving?
chldfrnd how willing r have children make friends with ch
chldhlp what should be done to help a named youth
chldhlth health care improving?
chldhome housing improving?
chldhrt children hurt from traditional family
chldidel ideal number of children
chldlove love improving?
chldmore expect more children
chldmorl moral-religious training improving?
chldnum how many children expected
chldprb what r think may be wrong with a named youth
chldprob how serious r consider his or her problem
chldsafe neighborhood safety improving?
chldsch how willing r have child in same class of r's ch
chldsex qualities for boys or girls
chldsex1 qualities for boys or girls:variant
chldskls acquiring job skills improving?
chldsoon children expected in 5 years
chldsup supervision improving?
chldtime time with kids improving?
chldvig vignette asked
chnang1 think about the situation
chnang10 yelled or hit something
chnang11 waited for feelings to pass
chnang12 tried to accept the situation
chnang13 left the situation
chnang14 thought about how to get revenge
chnang15 planned how to end the relationship
chnang16 other (specify)
chnang2 had a drink or took a pill
chnang3 talked to the person i was angry at
chnang4 talked to someone else
chnang5 tried to forget it
chnang6 tried to change the situation
chnang7 prayed for help from god
chnang8 fantasized about a magical solution
chnang9 went out to get some exercise
chngeorg how likely i'll try to find job in another org.
chngeoth how often r try to persuade other to share views
chngewrk i would change my work for something different
chngrbrn r changed religion because of experience
chngrel r changed religion because of experience
chngtme how often r allowed change schedule
chngwork i would change my job for something else
choice choice what to do in life important for freedom
choices political parties don't give real policy choices
chores1 help for household tasks #1
chores2 help for household tasks #2
chosedoc r had enough choices among docs
chrissch children attend christian school
christns what is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious group
chrstsav only those who accept jesus as savior can achieve salvation
churchtx membership in church-related groups
churhact does r participate in church activities
churhgrp is church group church itself
churhmem is r a member of church or synagogue
churhpow do churches have too much power?
churhsch number of years r attended church school
cideage age of murder victim closest to r
cideage2 age of murder victim 2nd closest to r
cideage3 age of murder victim 3rd closest to r
cideknew #people r knows murdered in last year
ciderac2 race of murder victim 2nd closest to r
ciderac3 race of murder victim 3rd closest to r
ciderace race of murder victim closest to r
cidereg region of murder victim closest to r
cidereg2 region of murder victim 2nd closest to r
cidereg3 region of murder victim 3rd closest to r
cidesex sex of murder victim closest to r
cidesex2 sex of murder victim 2nd closest to r
cidesex3 sex of murder victim 3rd closest to r
cidewho r's relationship to closest murderee
cidewho2 r's relationship to 2nd closest murderee
cidewho3 r's relationship to 3rd closest murderee
cigweek has r smoked cigarettes in last week
citizen are you a citizen of america?
citviews how important: politician consider views of citizen
citworld i am a citizen of the world
civic does r follow public affairs?
civright civil rights demonstration
class subjective class identification
class1 subjective class identification (2021)
classicl like or dislike classical music
classics hs and coll studts read too many classics
classy subjective social class-version y
clean neat and clean
clean1 who in household does cleaning
cleany neat and clean-version y
cleanz neat and clean-version z
clerggov clergy shouldn't try to influence govt decisions
clergvte clergy shouldn't try to influence voters
clmtcaus climate has been changing due to human activity
clmtusa impact of climate change for america
clmtwrld impact of climate change for world
cloning cloning makes identical copy
close12 how close are persons number 1 and 2?
close13 how close are persons number 1 and 3?
close14 how close are persons number 1 and 4?
close15 how close are persons number 1 and 5?
close23 how close are persons number 2 and 3?
close24 how close are persons number 2 and 4?
close25 how close are persons number 2 and 5?
close34 how close are persons number 3 and 4?
close35 how close are persons number 3 and 5?
close45 how close are persons number 4 and 5?
closeblk how close feel to blacks
closeto1 how close r is to person 1
closeto2 how close r is to person 2
closeto3 how close r is to person 3
closeto4 how close r is to person 4
closeto5 how close r is to person 5
closewht how close feel to whites
closrgod desire to be closer to god
clrggen1 sex of leader1
clrggen2 sex of leader2
clrggen3 sex of leader3
clrgmar1 leader1 was married at the time
clrgmar2 leader2 was married at the time
clrgmar3 leader3 was married at the time
clrgmode was saq self administered or interview administered
clrgsex1 r had sexual contact with leader1
clrgsex2 r had sexual contact with leader2
clrgsex3 r had sexual contact with leader3
clsclsex any of them were close friends or family members
clsenei how close do you feel to your neighborhood
clsenoam how close do you feel to north america
clsestat how close do you feel to your state
clsetown how close do you feel to your town or city