GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile - Release 3b

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

shopfood who in household shops for groceries
shopmove shopped around because had moved
shopnum how many churches did you visit
shoprel ever shopped around for a church
shortcom world better if america acknowledged shortcomings
shotgun shotgun in home
shout ppl at work shout at r in hostile manner
showangr when i'm angry i let people know.
showfeel i'm not afraid to show my feelings.
sibcall how often does r contact by telephone or letter
sibdeath death of sibling
sibinlaw how often does r contact brothers or sister's-in-law
sibling1 person #1 is r's sibling
sibling2 person #2 is r's sibling
sibling3 person #3 is r's sibling
sibling4 person #4 is r's sibling
sibling5 person #5 is r's sibling
sibmost do r have the most contact with sister or brother
sibnum number of adult sister or brother
siborder birth order
sibs number of brothers and sisters
sibvisit how often does r visit this sister or brother
sick1 help if sick #1
sick1a who does r turn to first for help when sick
sick2 help if sick #2
sick2a who does r turn to second for help when sick
signdpet signed a petition
signpet have ever signed a petition past 5 years
singlpar single parents can raise kids as well as two
sinsacri jesus' death on cross is only sacrifice that could remove penalty of r's sin
siscall contact with sister
sisnum number of adult sister's
sistime travel time to sister
sisvisit how often visit sister
siteyrs how long have worked for those sites
size size of place in 1000s
skiltest before got the job took a skill test
skipmeal how often r's household skip a meal
skipwork how often r stayed at home or leave work early
skltrain r had job skill training in thepast 12 months
slfmangd r involved in a self-managed team
slfrspct i wish i could have more respect for myself
slpprblm trouble sleeping last 12 months
slsmnshp how scientific is salesmanship
smallbig r preference re: firm size in
smallgap for a society to be fair, differences in people's standard of living should be s
smammal small mammal (rabbit, gerbil, hamster)
smammalb4 small mammal (rabbit, gerbil, hamster)
smoke does r smoke
smokecig does r smoke cigarettes
snapchat use snapchat
snsmfrst which social network did you join first
snsmnew which social network did you join most recently
snsmot2a first other social network
snsmot2b second other social network
snsmot2c third other social network
snsmoth1 do you use any other social networks
snsmyear year first joined sns
socacts physical and emotion social activities past 4
socbar spend evening at bar
socdif1 income differences an incentive
socdif2 paid what you need
socdif3 study for years to get high pay
socdif4 don't give equal chance
socfrend spend evening with friends
socid1 most important to r
socid2 second most important to r
socid3 third most important to r
socommun spend evening with neighbor
socpars spend evening with parents
socrel spend evening with relatives
socright society's laws should decide right and wrong
socsci how scientific: sociology
socsecfx how serious is social securities problem
socsecnu social security phase out or continue
socsecrt social security will be better
socsibs spend evening with siblings
soctype1 what type of society is america
soctype2 what type of society does r prefer
solarrev sci knowledge: how long the earth goes around the sun
solchurh church group tries to solve problems
solfarm farm org tries to solve problems
solfrat fraternal group tries to solve problems
solgreek fraternity tries to solve problems
solhobby hobby club tries to solve problems
sollit lit or art grp tries to solve problems
solnat nationality grp tries to solve problems
solok how important: citizens have adequate standard of living
solother any other group tries to solve problems
solpolit political club tries to solve problems
solprof prof society tries to solve problems
solschl school service tries to solve problems
solserv service group tries to solve problems
solsport sports club tries to solve problems
solunion labor union tries to solve problems
solveown r would solve problem on ones own or get advice
solvet veteran group tries to solve problems
solyouth youth group tries to solve problems
soncall contact with son
sonnum number of adult sons
sontime travel time to son
sonvisit how often visit son
spaneng interviews conducted in spanish or english
spanint if no spanish, r could have been interviewed in english
spanking favor spanking to discipline child
spanself if this interview had only been available in english, would you...
sparms govt spending on defense
sparts govt spending on culture and the arts
spattend how often sp attends religious services
spbarate rate of ba degree earning in college spouse attended
spborn when was your spouse born
spdays days spouse normally works
spdeath death of spouse
spdeg spouse's highest degree
spden specific denomination, spouse
spden16 denomination in which spouse raised
spdipged spouse diploma, ged, or other
spdotdat sp. d.o.t. code - relation to data
spdotged sp. d.o.t. code - general educ develop.
spdotpeo sp. d.o.t. code - relation to people
spdotpre sp. temme prestige scale
spdotsvp sp. d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prep
spdotthn sp. d.o.t. code - relation to things
spdrugs spending for drug treatment
spdsabkd spending for disabled kids
spdue ever entitled to alimony or chld support
speduc highest year school completed, spouse
speftotlt total number of students enrolled in college spouse attended
spendeve how willing r spend evening with child's family
spenviro govt spending on environment
speth1 1st mentioned country of spouse's origin
speth2 2nd mentioned country of spouse's origin
speth3 3rd mentioned country of spouse's origin
spethnic country of spouse's family origin
spethnum type of response about ethnicity:sp
spevdiv has r's current spouse been divorced
spevwork spouse ever work as long as a year
spfalook hours spouse spends looking after family members
spfam16 did spouse live at home at age 16?
spfoodkd spending for food, etc.
spfund how fundamentalist is spouse currently
spfund16 how fundamentalist was spouse at 16
spgradtounder ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students in college spouse attended
spheadst spending for head start
sphealer x should go to spiritual healer for help
sphedind spouse's father's ind when spouse was 16
sphedind10 spouse's father's ind when spouse was 16 (2010)
sphedindtag sphedind10 coding tag
sphedocc spouse's father's occ when spouse was 16
sphedocc10 spouse's father's occ when spouse was 16 (2010)
sphedoccindv spouse's father's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
sphedocctag sphedocc10 coding tag
sphedpre spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 (1980)
sphedpre10 spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 (2010)
sphedslf spouse's father self-emp when spouse was 16?
sphhwork how many hours a week does spouse on hh wrk
sphlth govt spending on health
sphlthkd spending for health care
sphmewrk how much housework r's spouse does
sphomekd spending for housing
sphour hours spouse usually works
sphrs1 number of hrs spouse worked last week
sphrs2 no. of hrs spouse usually works a week
spind spouse's industry code (1970)
spind10 spouse's industry code (naics 2007)
spind80 spouse's industry code (1980)
spindstatus spind10 coding status
spindtag spind10 coding tag
spirits felt in touch with deceased person
spisc681 r's spouse's occupation, 1980 census
spisco08 r's mothers occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
spisco68 r's spouse's occupation, 1970 census
spisco88 r's spouse's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco code
spjew what sort of jew is r's spouse currently
spjew16 what sort of jew was r's spouse at 16
spjewaj what sort of jew is r's spouse currently
spjoth16 r's spouse raised jewish
spjrel16 religion in which spouse raised
spkath allow anti-religionist to speak
spkathy allow anti-religionist to speak y
spkcom allow communist to speak
spkcomy allow communist to speak y
spkhome1 what language(s) do you speak at home?
spkhome2 what language(s) do you speak at home?
spkhomo allow homosexual to speak
spkhomoy allow homosexual to speak y
spklang how well does r speak other language
spklang1 what language(s) do you speak well?
spklang2 what language(s) do you speak well?
spklang3 what language(s) do you speak well?
spklangw how well r speaks the language in betrlang
spkmil allow militarist to speak
spkmily allow militarist to speak y
spkmslm allow muslim clergymen preaching hatred of the us
spkmslmy allow muslim clergymen preaching hatred of the us y
spkrac allow racist to speak
spkracy allow anti-religious book in library y
spksoc allow socialist to speak
splive how long been living with spouse
splocnum #of workers at the location your spouse works
spmaeduc highest schl grade spouse's mother completed
spmarnum has current spouse been married before?
spmentl govt spending on health
spnatdis should govt spend more or less on natural disasters
spocc spouse census occupation code (1970)
spocc10 spouse census occupation code (2010)
spocc80 spouse census occupation code (1980)
spoccindv spouse's occ/ind verbatim retrieved
spoccstatus spocc10 coding status
spocctag spocc10 coding tag
sports30 r use sports site in past 30 days
spoth16 other protestant denominations
spother other protestant denominations
spothjew spouse considers self jewish
spouse image of god as spouse
spouse1 person #1 is r's spouse
spouse2 person #2 is r's spouse
spouse3 person #3 is r's spouse
spouse4 person #4 is r's spouse
spouse5 person #5 is r's spouse
sppaeduc highest schl grade spouse's father completed
sppaid regularly received alimony - chld supprt
sppart r's current insurance plan covers spouse
sppill spending for birth control
sppolice govt spending on law enforcement
sppoorkd spending for childcare for poor
sppregnt spending for prenatal care
sppres spouse's occupational prestige score (1970)
sppres10 spouse occupational prestige score (2010)
sppres105plus spouse occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
sppres80 spouse's occupational prestige score (1980)
sprel spouse's religious preference
sprel16 religion in which spouse raised
spretire govt spending on retirement benefits
sprtconnct how often r felt connected to world around them
sprtlrgr how often r felt part of something larger than themselves
sprtprsn r consider self a spiritual person
sprtpurp how often r felt a sense of larger meaning in life
spschool govt spending on education
spsector type of college spouse attended
spsei r's spouse's socioeconomic index (1980)
spsei10 r's spouse's socioeconomic index (2010)
spsei10educ percentage of some college educ in spocc10 based on acs 2010
spsei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in spocc10 based on acs 2010
spsibs no of siblings spouse has
sptmkid1 time spouse spends with child 1
sptmkid2 time spouse spends with child 2
sptmkid3 time spouse spends with child 3
sptmkid4 time spouse spends with child 4
spunemp govt spending on unemployment benefits
spvtrfair supervisor is fair
spwkbaby did spouse work with young children
spwkgrwn did spouse work after children left home
spwknokd did spouse work after marriage before kids
spwksup does spouse supervise anyone
spwrkgvt spouse working for government
spwrkpar spending for childcare for wrker's
spwrksch did spouse work with school age children
spwrkslf spouse self-emp. or works for somebody
spwrksta spouse labor force status
spyenemy punishment for selling secrets to hostile foreign gov
spyfrend punishment for selling secrets to friend foreign gov
spyrborn birth yr of current spouse
srcbelt src beltcode
srcheng how often r uses search engine
srcheng1 does r know the name of a search engine
srcheng2 name of search engine given by r
srchwrk govt search briefcases and desks at work
ssfchild same sex female couple raise child as well as male-female couple
ssmchild same sex male couple raise child as well as male-female couple
stairs r limited in climbing stair's
standup stand up for your own opinion
startbiz r trying to start business
stateart feel state gov should provide assistance to art
stayorg1 would take any job to keep working for this org.
stayorg2 turn down another job for pay to stay this org.
stayorg3 i would turn down job offering more pay
stiffpun lawbreakers should get stiffer sentences
stockops r hold any stock options of r's company
stockval total dollar value of r's stock
stoprndm should authorities have right to search ppl in the street
stormtxt do you see lightning before hearing thunder
stress how often does r find work stressful
stress12 stress management program last 12 months
stresses how likely x s situation caused by stress
stressfl situation caused by stressful circumstances
stresswk stress in past 2 wks
strike picketing for labor strike
strngun strong unions needed to protect workers
strredpg access to stress management
strsshme life at home is rarely stressful
strsswrk job is rarely stressful
strvbias priority for criminal justice system
strvbiasy bigger priority for criminal justice system
studious good student
studiouy good student-version y
studiouz good student-version z
success tries hard to succeed
successy tries hard to succeed-version y
successz tries hard to succeed-version z
sufadult would child suffer as adult if other learn
suiage age of suicide victim closest to r
suiage2 age of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suiage3 age of suicide victim 3rd closest to r
suicide1 suicide if incurable disease
suicide1g suicide if incurable disease
suicide2 suicide if bankrupt
suicide2g suicide if bankrupt
suicide3 suicide if dishonored family
suicide3g suicide if dishonored family
suicide4 suicide if tired of living
suicide4g suicide if tired of living
suiclse1 how close were you to closest suicide victim
suiclse2 how close wereyou to 2nd closest suicide victim
suiknew #people r knows suicide in last year
suimths1 how many months since closest suicide
suimths2 how many months since 2nd closest suicide
suineg1 did closest suicide negatively impact you
suineg2 did 2nd closest suicide negatively impact you
suinum people r knows suicide over lifetime
suinum1 people r knows suicide over lifetime
suirac2 race of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suirac3 race of suicide victim 3rd closest to r
suirace race of suicide victim closest to r
suireg region of suicide victim closest to r
suireg2 region of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suireg3 region of suicide victim 3rd closest to r
suirel1 r's relationship to closest suicide
suirel2 r's relationship to 2nd closest suicide
suisex sex of suicide victim closest to r
suisex2 sex of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suisex3 sex of suicidevictim 3rd closest to r
suitime1 how many years and months since closest suicide
suitime2 how many years and months since 2nd closest suicide
suiwho r's relationship to closest suicide
suiwho2 r's relationship to 2nd closest suicide
suiwho3 r's relationship to 3rd closest suicide
suiyrs1 how many years since closest suicide
suiyrs2 how many years since 2nd closest suicide
sunday attended religious services last sunday
sunsch16 how frequently r attended sunday school
supcares supervisor concerned about welfare
supduty1 you train employees safe use equipment
supduty2 you train employees in other ways
supduty3 you organize schedules or tasks
supduty4 you devise new ways of doing tasks
supduty5 you check workers' progress, attendance
supduty6 you evaluate job performance
supduty7 you take promotions or disciplinary actions
supervis does r supervise others at work in main job
supfam young should be able to support family
supfam1 aged should be able to support family
suphelp supervisor helpful to r in getting job done
supnum number of workers r supervises
supothrs any people supervised by you supervise others
suprvsjb does r supervise others at work
swayvote has r tried to influence votes of others
switage1 how old was r when first switched
switage2 how old was r when second switch
switch1 what was r's first religious preference
switch2 what was r's second religious preference
switch3 what was r's third religious preference
switched has r ever had a different religion
swithlth ever switched plan medical care provider
switnum how many religious preferences mentioned
switwhy1 why did r make first switch
switwhy2 why did r make second switch
sympcoun how well local church counsels sympathetically
symptblk r feel sympathy towards blacks
synmem r belongs to a synagogue, temple, minyan, or high holiday congregation
tablprce the factory not lowering price acceptable?
tagsales how frequently do you go to garage sales etc
takearms punishment for stealing and selling weapons
taketrck punishment for stealing and selling truck parts
talkback talking back to parents is bad
talkedto talked with someone depressed past 12 months
talkemp how likely to talk directly if coworker not work
talkpol how often does r discuss politics?
talkpol1 r discusses politics with person #1
talkpol2 r discusses politics with person #2
talkpol3 r discusses politics with person #3
talkspvs comfortable talking with supervisor about personal
talksup how likely to speak supervisor if coworker not w
talkteam if employee not working: talk directly to the employee
talkto1 how often does r talk to person #1?
talkto2 how often does r talk to person #2?
talkto3 how often does r talk to person #3?
talkto4 how often does r talk to person #4?
talkto5 how often does r talk to person #5?
taphme govt wire-tap home phone line
tapphone should authorities have right to tap phone conver'sation
tapwrk govt wire-tap work phone line
tax r's federal income tax
taxbylaw do authorities tax legally
taxcheat wrong to cheat on taxes?
taxes12 past 12 months r web to learn taxes
taxmid taxes on middle income people too high
taxpaid do authorities ensure taxes are paid
taxpoor taxes on low income people too high
taxrich taxes on high income people too high
taxserve favor conscription given taxes?
taxshare should rich pay bigger share of taxes?
taxspend choice between reducing taxes or spending more
teacheth ethnicity of college faculty reflect students
teamsafe mgt and employees work together re safety
techjobs new techs increase number of jobs
techwork new techs make work more interesting
tecsup called tech support at work
teenpill birth control information to teens
teens household members 13 thru 17 yrs old
teensex sex before marriage:teens 14-16
teensex1 morality of teens having sex
tempfam greenhouse effect danger to my family
tempgen greenhouse effect danger to envir
tempgen1 greenhouse effect danger to envir
tempwork i would accept temporary employment
termecon worry about economic burden of terminal illness
termemot worry about emotional burden on my family
terminal have you or close friends relative faced with terminal illness
termpain believe doctors can control my pain
termpay worry if no money get second class care
termrel my religious community very helpful
termvig one of the vignettes
testdrug people with secret should be subject to drug tests
theism god concerned with human beings personally
thisjob1 heard job from a notices posted my workplace
thisjob2 heard job through my union
thisjob3 heard job from my supervisor
thisjob4 heard job from one of my coworkers
thisjob5 heard job i near the top of a seniority list
thisjob6 heard job i was asked to take the new job
thisjob7 heard job others (specify)
thnkangr how often thought about this situation
thnkself to think for ones self
threaten r is threatened or harassed
threkids desirability of three-kid family
thursday attended religious services last thursday
ticket ever received a traffic ticket
timefam time r would spend on family
timefrnd time r would spend on friends
timehhwk time r would spend on household work
timehome run out of time before getting things done at home
timekid1 time r spends with child 1
timekid2 time r spends with child 2
timekid3 time r spends with child 3
timekid4 time r spends with child 4
timeleis time r would spend on leisure
timeoff how difficult r takes an hour off during working hours
timepdwk time r would spend on paid work
timerelx time r would spend relaxing
timework run out of time before getting things done at work
tiredhm1 how often too tired to do housework
tiredhme come home from work too tired to do the chores
tiredwk1 how often too tired from housework to do job well
tiredwrk arrived at work too tired to function bc of hhwork
tithing how much does r give to religion
tlkclrgy x should talk to religious leader
tlkfam x should talk to family and friends
toldexp1 r has ever told anyone about experience with leader1
toldexp2 r has ever told anyone about experience with leader2
toldexp3 r has ever told anyone about experience with leader3
toldrel1 r ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader1
toldrel2 r ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader2
toldrel3 r ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader3
toldsmsx at what age you first told someone that you had sex with same sex
toldsxor at what age you first told someone that you were gay/les/bi
toldwork how many of r's coworkers know r is gay/les/bi
tomatoes regular tomatoes no genes
toodifme too diff to do anything about envir
toofast science makes our way of life change too fast
toofewwk how often not enough staff
topprob1 most important issue for america
topprob2 next important issue
totalnum number of employees: r's entire firm
totart how much money contributed in arts, culture, etc
toteduc how much money contributed in education
totenvir how much money contributed in environment
totfound how much money contributed in priv & comm. found
tothlth how much money contributed in health
tothuman how much money contributed in human services
totinfrm how much money contributed in informal-alone
totintl how much money contributed in international
totmoney how much money in the largest of these decisions
tototh how much money contributed in other (specify)
totpol how much money contributed in political org. etc
totpub how much money contributed in pub-soc benefit
totrec how much money contributed in recreation adults
totrelig how much money contributed in religious org
totsup how many people responsible to you
totunemp total times unemployed
totwork how much money contributed in work-related org
totyouth how much money contributed in youth development
tradmod man alone-both responsible for providing income
training importance of on-the-job training for you job
trainops r have the training opportunities
trainsch how many years spent on training
transair women as jet transport pilot
transoth hwould you be to mention problems
transrel how likely to mention problems to relatives
trarel1 trauma of relatives, last year
trarel5 trauma of relatives, last 5 yrs
tratot1 trauma last year, self & relatives
tratot5 trauma last 5 yrs, self & relatives
trauma1 trauma scale, last year
trauma5 trauma scale, last 5 years
travel12 r use web for travel in past 12 months
travel30 r use travel site in past 30 days
travelgn r made travel reservations past year
travelus transportation r took when travelling to us
trbigbus how much trust r has in major private companies in america
trbllaw child with med get into less trouble with the
trbusind how much do you trust business and industry?
trcourts how much trust r has in american courts
trdestck company stock publicly traded
trdunio1 workers need strong trade unions to protect their interests
trdunion workers need strong unions
treat1 r seek treat moderate activities
treat10 r seek treat downhearted and blue
treat11 r seek treat health interfere with social l
treat2 r seek treat climbing stair's
treat3 r seek treat doing less than desired physic
treat4 r seek treat limited types of work
treat5 r seek treat doing less than desired emotio
treat6 r seek treat working less carefully
treat7 r seek treat pain interfere with work
treat8 r seek treat not calm and peaceful
treat9 r seek treat lack of energy
treatres people are treated with respect
trlegis how much do you trust the u.s. congress?
trmedia how much do you trust the news media?
trresrch how much do you trust university research centers?
trstprof trust profs judgments in assigning reading
trtasian number of asian r trust
trtattnd proportion of regular church attendee r trust
trtblack number of black r trust
trtbrnda number ofbrenda r trust
trtchild number of child care worker r trust
trtcohab number of cohabiting ppl r trust
trtcon number of strong conservativer trust
trtcops number of police officer r trust
trtdems proportion of democrat r trust
trtelecs number of electrician r trust
trtgay number of gay r trust
trtgoatt number of church attendeer trust
trthisp number of hispanic r trust
trthome number of ppl owning second homer trust
trtjans number of janitor r trust
trtjose number ofjose r trust
trtkaren number of karen r trust
trtkeith number ofkeith r trust
trtkevin number of kevin r trust
trtlaws number of lawyer r trust
trtlib number of strong liberalr trust
trtlinda number oflinda r trust
trtmaria number ofmaria r trust
trtmark number ofmark r trust
trtmils number of ppl in military service r trust
trtmyrac proportion of same race as r among ppl r trust
trtnoatt number of non church attendeer trust
trtprisn number of ppl in prisonr trust
trtrachl number ofrachel r trust
trtreps proportion of republican r trust
trtshawn number of shawn r trust
trtsocs number of social worker r trust
trtunemp number of ppl unemployed r trust
trtwhite number of white r trust
trust can people be trusted
trust1 can people be trusted (see codebook)
trust5 people can or cannot be trusted
trustcrt would trust the courts
trustdoc would trust my doctor
trustfam would trust my family
trusting most people can be trusted
trustman r trust management at work
trustnv can people be trusted (no volunteered response on web)
trustpeo there are only a few ppl r can trust completely
trustsci we trust too much in science
trustv can people be trusted (with volunteered response on web)
trusty can people be trusted-version y
trynewjb how likely r make effort for new job next year
tuesday attended religious services last tuesday
tumblr use tumblr
tvbears r would choose tv program about polar bears
tvhours hours per day watching tv
tvinuit r would choose tv program about native ppl in the arctic
tvmeltng r would choose tv program about polar ice melting
tvmov30 r use movie site in past 30 days
tvnews how often r watches tv news
tvoil r would choose tv program about oil drilling in the arctic
tvozone r would choose tv program about ozone hole over the antarctic
tvpbs how often r watches public tv shows
tvrelig hours per week r watches religious tv
tvshows how often r watches tv drama or sitcoms
twitter use twitter
twoclass weak vs. strong
twoincs husb & wife should contrib to family income
twoincs1 both men and women should contribute to income
twokids desirability of two-kid family
twolang children should learn other language in high sc
txbiz how well business leader knows effect of reducing fed inc tax
txeco how well economist knows effect of reducing fed income tax
txpol how well elected official knows effect of reducing fed inc tax
typchurh r belongs to more than one church affiliate groups
typdealr rwas the agency a new or used car dealer'ship?
typeorg work in independent or part of larger org
typeurl how often r types urls by self
typevisa what kind of visa
typfarm r belongs to more than one farm organizations
typfrat r belongs to more than one fraternal groups
typgreek r belongs to more than one school fraternities
typhobby r belongs to more than one hobby clubs
typinfrm r belongs to more than one informal groups
typist women as typist in pentagon
typlit r belongs to more than one literary groups
typnat r belongs to more than one nationality groups
typother r belongs to more than one other groups
typpolit r belongs to more than one political clubs
typprof r belongs to more than one professional societies
typschl r belongs to more than one school service groups
typserv r belongs to more than one service clubs
typsport r belongs to more than one sports groups
typunion r belongs to more than one labor unions
typvet r belongs to more than one veterans groups
typyouth r belongs to more than one youth groups
unaunum number of aunts and uncles
unbetter working condition would be much worse without unions
unbored rank of boredom when unemployed
uncaunts how often does r contact uncles or aunts
undk don't know response to unemployment items
undoccol illegal immigrants access to public univer'sities?
undockid us citizenship for children of illegal immigrants
undocwrk should illegal immigrants get work permits?
unemp ever unemployed in last ten yrs
unemp5 unemployed in last 5 yrs
unfamten rank of family tensions when unemployed
unhappy how often r was unhappy or depressed in past 4 weeks
unhlthy how often does r work in unhealthy conds
union does r or spouse belong to union
union1 does r or spouse or partner belong to union
uniongod desire to be closer to god
unionsbd strong trade unions are bad for us economy
unionsok how good union for the country
united americans united or divided on values
unjobexp rank of how to spend time when unemployed
unjobsec unions are very important for job security
unmanrel relations between management and workers
unmoney rank of shortage of money when unemployed
unpeople rank of no people contact when unemployed
unpleznt how often does r work in unpleasant conds
unpower unions in this country have too little power
unprog unions just block economic progress
unrel1 relatives unemployed in last yr
unrel4 relatives unemp between 5 & 1 yrs ago
unrelat number in household not related
unrespct rank of loss of respect when unemployed
unrghts un should intervene if human right is seriously viola
unsklrnk rank in society of unskilled workers
unslfcon rank of loss of confide. when unemployed
unvote would you vote for or against having a union
upbreath why short breath at the top of a mountain
upgrade refuse vols with no basic skills?
upload does r know how to upload files to www
upsdowns how likely x is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of life
upset how often r's friends or family were angry with r
upset1 help for marital problem #1
upset2 help for marital problem #2
upwages the government should ensure that the wages of low-paying jobs increase as the e
usamind what percentage of population is american india
usangry thinking us how often feel angry
usasn what percentage of population is asian
usblk what percentage of population is black
uscitzn is r us citizen
uscitznnv is r us citizen (no volunteered response on web)
uscitznv is r us citizen (with volunteered response on web)
usclass1 traditional class divisions still remain
usclass2 achievement depends on family background
usclass3 achievement depends on educ and ability
usclass4 ones own efforts don't count
usclass5 personal income not determined by work
usclass6 differences in class are an incentive
usclass7 differences in class reflect own effort
usclass8 social differences are acceptable
usdoenuf u.s. protect environment
usedmntl have sought care with mental health since plan
usedproz have you ever taken prozac
usedup how often during past month r felt used up
usefrds ok to have frds just bc they are of use to r
usehome does r use computer at home
uselang how often does r use language other than english
usemedia contacted in the media to express view
usenthus thinking us how often feel enthusiastic?
usepsyc1 will take medicine because personal trouble
usepsyc2 will take medicine because cant cope w stress
usepsyc3 will take medicine because feeling depressed
usepsyc4 will take medicine because intense fear
useskill how much past skills can you make use in present
usetech percentage of time use tech
usevcr used vcr in lst yr
usewww r use www other than email
usfrustr thinking us how often feel frustrated?
ushisp what percentage of population is hispanic
ushopefl thinking us how often feel hopeful?
usintl take active part in world affairs
usjews what percentage of population is jewish
usmixed what percentage of population is of mixed heritage
usrep did r correctly name us representative
ussat thinking us how often feel satisfied
usspy u.s. spies foreign govts more threat 10 yrs ago
usterror terrorism by u.s. citizens more threat 10 yrs
usualhrs how many hrs/week do you usually work
usun remain in u.n. or pull out
usupset thinking us how often feel upset?
uswar expect u.s. in war within 10 years
uswary expect u.s. in world war in 10 years
uswarynv expect u.s. in war within 10 years (no volunteered response on web)
uswaryv expect u.s. in war within 10 years (with volunteered response on web)
uswht what percentage of population is white
usworry how often do you feel worried for us?
valart estimated value contributed in arts, culture, etc
valeduc estimated value contributed in education
valenvir estimated value contributed in environment
valfound estimated value contributed in priv & comm. found
valgiven total donations past year r and immediate family
valhlth estimated value contributed in health
valhuman estimated value contributed in human services
valinfrm estimated value contributed in informal-alone
valintl estimated value contributed in international
valoth estimated value contributed in other (specify)
valpol estimated value contributed in political org. etc
valpub estimated value contributed in pub-soc benefit
valrec estimated value contributed in recreation adults
valrelig estimated value contributed in religious org
valwork estimated value contributed in work-related org
valyouth estimated value contributed in youth development
verdict worse type of judicial mistake
version version of questionnaire
vetaid any in hh receive mil or vet benefits
vetfam family members served in armed forces?
vetfamnw any family members in armed forces now
vetkind branch of service
vetyears years in armed forces
vietdraft born on date with a vietnam war draft lottery number
vigfrnd how willing r would make friends with x
viggrp how willing r would have a group home for x
viglab06 x is experiencing alchl dependencedepression schizophrenia
viglabel how likely x is experiencing vignettes
vigmar how willing r would have x marry in r's family
vignei how willing r would have x as a neighbor
vigsoc how willing r would spend time socializing with x
vigvermy vignette version
vigversn vignette version number
vigwork how willing r would work closely with x on a job
vine use vine
violasns violent - not violent
violblks violent - not violent
violhsps violent - not violent
violjews violent - not violent
violpeop would child do something violent toward other
violself would child do something violent to own self
violso violent - not violent
violtv situation caused by watching violent tv
violwhts violent - not violent
viruses sci knowledge: antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria
visa do you hold a special visa
visart how often r visited art museum last year
visions perceived events at great distance
visitart visited art museum or gallery in lst yr
visitors number of visitor's in household
vislib how often r visited public library last year
visnhist how often r visited natural history museum last year
vissci how often r visited science museum
vistholy how often r visits holy place for religious reasons
viszoo how often r visited zoo last year
voedcol non-college postsecondary education (voednme1)
voedncol non-college postsecondary education (voednme2)
voednme1 postsecondary institution attended for credit
voednme2 postsecondary institution attended for credit
volacty2 done other types of volunteering for child's school or youth org
volactyr since last yr any volunteering
volart done volunteer work in arts, culture, etc
volarts volunteered for organizations of arts
volchrty r done volunteer work for a charity
voleduc done volunteer work in education
volenvir done volunteer work in environment
volfound done volunteer work in priv & comm. found
volhlth done volunteer work in health past 12 mnths
volhuman done volunteer work in human services
volinfrm done volunteer work in informal-alone
volintl done volunteer work in international
volmonth volunteer in last month
voloth done volunteer work in other (specify)___
volpol done volunteer work in political org. etc
volpub done volunteer work in pub-soc benefit
volrec done volunteer work in recreation adults
volrelig done volunteer work in religious org
volwkchr volunteered charitable past 12 month
volwkoth volunteered other kinds past 12 month
volwkpol volunteered political activities past 12 month
volwkrel volunteered religious past 12 month
volwork done volunteer work in work-related org
volyouth done volunteer work in youth development
vote00 did r vote in 2000 election
vote04 did r vote in 2004 election
vote08 did r vote in 2008 election
vote12 did r vote in 2012 election
vote16 remember if voted in 2016 election
vote68 did r vote in 1968 election
vote72 did r vote in 1972 election
vote76 did r vote in 1976 election
vote80 did r vote in 1980 election
vote84 did r vote in 1984 election
vote88 did r vote in 1988 election
vote92 did r vote in 1992 election
vote96 did r vote in 1996 election
voteelec how important always to vote in elections
votefor web make r decide to vote for a political candidate
vpsu variance primary sampling unit
vstrat variance stratum
wait1 how long r wait treatment moderate activity
wait10 how long r wait treatment downhearted and b
wait11 how long r wait treatment health interfere
wait2 how long r wait treatment climbing stairs
wait3 how long r wait treatment doing less work p
wait4 how long r wait treatment limited types of
wait5 how long r wait treatment doing less work e
wait6 how long r wait treatment working less care
wait7 how long r wait treatment pain interfere wi
wait8 how long r wait treatment not calm and peace
wait9 how long r wait treatment lack of energy
wantads answered advertisements for jobs
wantbest r is sure that other ppl want the best for r
wantjob would r like a job now
wantjob1 which job would you prefer
wantjob2 would like to have a job now or in the future
warrntyc did the seller provide a warranty?
warrntyh did the seller provide any warranty
watchgov how important to keep watch on action of govt
waterfam water pollution danger to my family
watergen water pollution danger to envir
watergen1 water pollution danger to envir
waypaid how paid in main job
wayraise how likely x s situation caused by the way raised
wealth total wealth of respondent
webable r's ability to use internet
webmob r uses home internet through mobile device
webtv r has internet via webtv
webyr when r first began using web
wednesdy attended religious services last wednesday
weekend who has final say about choosing weekend activity
weekly what is your weekly wage before tax
weekswrk weeks r worked last year
weighing which is the best method to report weight of leaf
weight r weighs how much
welfare1 welfare makes people work less
welfare2 helps people overcome difficult times
welfare3 encourages out-of-wedlock children
welfare4 preserves marriages in difficult times
welfare5 helps prevent hunger and starvation
welfare6 discourages pregnant girls from marrying
whatsapp use whatsapp
whencol when received college degree
whenhs when received hs degree
where1 where is 1st person staying?
where10 where is 1oth person staying?
where11 where is 11th person (visitor) staying?
where12 where is 12th person (visitor) staying?
where13 where is 13th person (visitor) staying?
where14 where is 14th person (visitor) staying?
where2 where is 2nd person staying?
where3 where is 3rd person staying?
where4 where is 4th person staying?
where5 where is 5th person staying?
where6 where is 6th person staying?